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Christmas Hustle, Bustle, and Happy Tears



Christmas 2007 is in the history book. Christmas Eve morning began quite early (5:30ish) as Kristi and I had appointments at a nearby hospital for various tests. I had complete blood work-up done then was scooted off for a carotid doppler. First time for one of those. The tech was a sweetie and permitted Kristi to stand beside her and she explained what she was looking for. "Plumbing" on the right side was totally plaque free. The left side showed a few small spots of plaque (on the q-t the tech said it would be like 500 years before there was anything to worry about - I'll see what doc says though). Then it was down to cardiac lab for stress test. The counter person was quite rude in saying that I was not scheduled and there was NO WAY I was having test done. I kept my cool and explained that I had called in to schedule all the tests. The fact that I did not have a cardiologist unnerved her even more. Fortunately one of the techs took over and went to see what could be arranged. There was a cardiologist present who agreed to be present while the test was completed. I had the chemical stress test - I could see me trying to go on the treadmill. The test when fine - the highest my BP got during the 4 minutes of the chemical being infused was 136/76. Kristi had to wait in the waiting room for 1 1/2 hours, poor kid. The only thing left to do was urine specimen to take back to the lab. This was a first doing urine test away from home and my bathroom riser. I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!! I do think I had my Guardian :Angel: assisting me though. When my Brother picked us up that morning, he gave us our gifts: digital camera w/printer, portable DVD player, recording DVD/VHS combo to hook up to the tv, and a Panasonic digital phone system.


We were home for about 2 hours and then it was off to Aunt Char's house for dinner and gift exchange. We had a blast and terrific meal.Dar had baked a cake and we sang Happy Birthday to Jesus. The girls opened their gifts first. When Kristi was opening her gifts, she was totally overwhelmed. She had never experienced Holidays with so many people watching and taking pictures. She received a footprints necklace and that did her in. There was not a dry eye in the house.


Gift giving for the adults went around the room. I felt like a little kid as I anticipated my turn. I'm not going to relate all that I received as that would appear like bragging. The one biggie was a Dirt Devil vacuum which I immediately told Kristi that I would share with her - ANYTIME she wants to push it around the house would be fine by me :idiot: Needless to say, I had many tears of happiness flowing. My tears were contagious too.


Christmas Eve concluded with church services. My cousin's (Dar) hubby Bryan is an ordained minister. Right now, services are held in their home so that's where we all headed. During the service, other cousin's (Lisa) hubby Chuck stood and announced that he wished his wife to join him to renew their wedding vows. Again, not a dry eye....afterwards Lisa told me it was doubly special as Kristi and I could not attend their wedding in 2006. Bryan is an excellent minister; it was our first time attending one of his services.


Lisa and Chuck drove us home - we got home around 1:30 am Christmas morning.


Kristi was kinda bummed there was no snow for her first Christmas here...but for all the traveling and for me accessibility wise it was a blessing. Christmas morning we exchanged gifts...from her and the critters I got an angel snow globe, an angel figurine, and kitty bookmarks.

She and Aunt Char had custom made me my Christmas card - you guessed it, I blubbered. The "girls" got treats and a toy. Kristi loved the sweater I ordered for her (surprise, surprise as it's harder and harder to keep up with the teenage taste in clothes.) She really was thrilled when she saw her guitar - I had it hidden behind a door after it was given to me last week. Now we just need to get some beginning guitar books and a pick :big_grin:. From Kristi's friends in AZ I received a 2008 Arizona Highways calendar so I don't forget the sights of Arizona. Kristi received presents as well but I'll let her update her blog and fill everyone in.


Mid-day my Brother picked us up and we drove to my nephew's home for an early dinner and gift exchange. I got a body massage pad (my back loves it). Fun, fun, fun time was had. Billy's MIL was there and she is a real sweet lady. Late afternoon we went to a Christmas Party with my Brother (cousins by marriage). More yummy food and good company. There was a "white elephant" gift exchange. I had picked a times clock radio but it was stolen lol -I came home with a container of candy with $10 attached to the top. We got home after 10 pm last night. I am beyond exhausted today - but a happy contented tired.


Christmas 2007 was truly blessed for me. Now to recoup for New Year's Eve. 3 year anniversary on New Year's Day.


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your Christmas sounds wonderful, and I was so hap nd teary reading you blog. you know someho I feel God is directing your life to getting moving you back up here in PA. things are just going to get better sweet lady.


lots of love



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donna, it sounds like you had a blessed and loving christmas with your family. i am happy your day of tests showed good results. i bet you are exhausted between being so busy for 2 days. but i bet you'll agree it was worth it. sounds like you received some great gifts and kristi liked her sweater was a plus. now you need to rest up for the new year day celebration. i'm glad for safety sake there was no snow for you to contend with. have a great rest of the week. and rest up.

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What a great Christmas!!!


And I just want to tell you that I love your photo as well. Your eyes just sparkle!


Enjoy resting up for New Year's and make it great.



:happy new yea:

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Sounds like a GREAT Christmas for you both, Loads of memories and smiles.


John got one of those massagers for Christmas a couple years ago... I think they have heat...so when you are cold you could turn the heat on and get a massage too :)


Sounds like the tests are coming out good.. Hoping all the final reports come in Great.

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Donna, my heart is singing for you because your heart is singing. Moving was the best thing and things are working out so smoothly for you and Kristi. What a warm glow it must give you to be with family during the holidays and Kristis' tears were tears of joy and how loved she felt. What a wonderful time you had and I wish you many more.
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wow! i got happy just reading about your joyous christmas. :cheer: how wonderful that the move to PA has really been a move back to the closeness of family! i sure hope to start seeing some pics now that you are the owner of a digital camera.

great news about your test results - a positive start for the new year . :happy new yea: cheers! kathy

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