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Peace and Quiet



My home is back to just me and My Girls. My nephew and his Girlfriend moved out last night. With the help of my Brother and me nagging at them to follow through they moved into a studio apartment about 10 minutes away from us. Angel obtained employment through a telemarketing company that is nationally known (I worked for them just prior to my last employment).


I really think they were becoming quite used to being on "vacation" with no real responsibilities, running up my utility bills and eating all of our food. No matter how much I harped, I was ignored. At one point Joey and I had a HUGE argument over him disrespecting me and my home. Kristi fortunately slept through it and didn't hear him call me a wh***. I told her about it later; Angel and Joey didn't think I heard what he said. I'm not brain dead - he's lucky I didn't back-track down the steps and smack him one. He did apologize the next day. Not sure if I will receive any money from him for the added cost of them being here.


I'm just thankful they're out before the 1-28 deadline. Their last day here was yesterday (1-26) and also the day I quit smoking cold turkey. Because I had quit, I washed and put away the ashtray and wouldn't let them smoke in the house even with the ionizer in the kitchen. I'm not sure how long it will last - I really really enjoy smoking. I was to get the patch but my doc said no with the upcoming heart cath to be done. It's now been over 24 hours since I've lit up and, at times, it's very tough. With all the stress of the past 12 days, I was smoking more than I normally did.


This might not be the best time to be doing this with the week I have ahead of me. If I get too frazzled, I made need to have someone get me some. I have not spoken to my Brother-Dearest since he had me tell them about the apartment. I'm sure he's stressed with all of this. He was very upset with Joey for coming here in the first place. Joe was out of town when Joey descended upon us.


We've done our good deed and helped them regroup - I wish for them the best but will be sure next time to say "no can do" if they re-appear at my door.


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Donna, I think we are all entitled to our privacy in our own home and having unwanted guests can certainly feel like a home invasion. I am SO glad they got out before the deadline. I am sure in time your brother will be back to talking to you again and all will be well.


The not smoking issue is something else and I guess you will get over it in the end. A friend of ours quit and put the money she would have spent on cigarettes into a little box and didn't count it till the end of the month. She said once she actually saw the savings she never wanted to go back to the habit.


We are here to support you whatever you go through, so if you can't sleep and log on and I am on the site send me a message and I'll come and chat to you.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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I am so happy for your housepests leaving before deadline, atleast that will give you peace of mind going in surgery. I am sure it's hard to quit smoking but as I often told you before you can do this, you are survivor, woman, mother. you have that strength within you to get through this, maybe you can chew gum when you feel like smoking or come online to chat with us. I promised to talk topics other than smoking






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Guest lwisman




Congrats on your house guests leaving. Maybe with his job and their own apartment they will be able to figure out how to be responsible for their lives?


Good luck on quitting smoking. I remember when my Dad finally quit. He was smoking three packs of unfiltered Camels at the time and most days coughed so bad the he threw up breakfast. This was one thing that helped. Also he told my mother and she laughed at him. That also helped. He smoked for 40 years. He lived for 25 more years after he quit smoking. What worked for him was to put his cigarettes in a different pocket (he always wore shirts with two pockets, one for cigarettes, the other for a small notebook). Because they were in a different pocket he had to make a conscious decision about each cigarette. Immediately he cut his consumption in half.


My nephew and his wife quit smoking every year or so, and then begin again. I keep hoping that this time will be THE time. We don't allow smoking in our house and they go outside, even in Chicago winter weather.


Glad you asked your doctor before trying the patch. Good luck.


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Glad your "housepests" have moved out, and things are back to normal. Did you get any keys they had back? Otherwise you my want to change locks.There are some good quit smoking sites on line.. with downloadable quit tips and little booklets to send for even 800 phone numbers.using a pencil or piece of licorice to fiddle with, you can also pop in on IM to me whenever ...:)I am "psyching" up to try once again.. and hoep to get the RX for Chantix filled this week. I also tell myself it is healthier for my pets too... Ask you Dr if you can get the Chantix.. after your procedure.

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donna, bless your heart, i am so happy for you that your houseguests left before your get out date. how rude of them to even be there. i know how hard it is to quit smoking. try not to think about them. hopefully each day will get easier for you. i know it will be better for you to quit. its good you asked the dr about the patch before you tried it. sometimes the stress from not smoking is worse i think. i know you can do it if thats what you need to do. just think you have your home back now, enjoy and relax and laugh at your girls, you will feel better. i am thinking of you and wishing you the best of luck.

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