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100 Things I've learned since I met up with stroke



Another member mentioned blogging about 100 things we've learned since stroke. I liked that idea and figured I'd give it a shot. They probably won't be in any particular order as I move down the list and I'll try not to be repetitive. Here goes.....


I've learned.....

1. How much my child DOES love me even when I push her "buttons"

2. How much I love my child as I keep striving to do more.

3. How much I love my furry critters, especially being home with them 24/7 :rolleyes: .

4. How many true friends I have who have stuck by my side and will be by my side in my journey

5. The importance of living in close proximity to family members who actually are there for us

6. How to get dressed and undressed with only 1/2 my extremities operating properly

7. How to wash and shower one-handed

8. How to maneuver getting into the shower with only 1/2 of my extremities working and not fall in the process

9. How to open mascara tube with using one hand and teeth

10 Apply mascara and other makeup one-handedly without looking wierd when I'm done

11 How to make my bed one-handedly with a "certain" kitten chasing the bedding around or plopping in the middle of the bed

12 How to one-handedly pick up a 4-legged furball

13 How to use my teeth when opening my deodorant

14 How to fold and hang clothes although it does take time

15 How to ask for help when I get "stuck" trying to accomplish something

16 To be thankful the one-touch can opener was invented

17 The importance of taking my prescribed medications in order to eliminate additional stroke or health risks

18 How to one-handedly open medicine bottles

19 How to one-handedly open for the first time a 64 oz bottle of juice

20 How to one-handedly make a drinkable pot of coffee

21 How to open sweetner packets with one hand and my teeth

22 To be thankful I don't have a dentist in the family who would have a fit with all the things I do with my teeth

23 How to make toast and butter said toast with one hand

24 How to spread peanut butter one-handedly on bread without tearing the bread

25 How to open and close bread bag ties (again with using teeth or between chin and chest while holding tie in good hand)


That's all for now.


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great list. you are indeed amazing woman with great fighter spirit. I too feel greatful that I don't have dentist in the family who will have fit seeing me doing things one handedly.




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a terrific idea and great list ---plus a way to share the strategies we have learned for coping. i think i too will think on what i have learned - beware. cheers! kathy

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Great job Donna.

I can't believe you beat me to it. I'm not finished yet.

My cat likes to help make the bed too. Have you figured out how to clip claws yet? I haven't, I usually have to recruit an unwilling family member.



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great job donna. i know about the dentist too, i broke one of my front teeth,using it so much, i got a lecture, but we do what we gotta do to get the job done. just be careful with those pearly whites,lol. alot of what we have had to learn is frustrating but we have to do them to get through our recovery process. and dear lady you have learned a great deal.

some things i haven't mastered yet but i will in time. your determination and spirit is your driving force. you are amazing.

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Guest lwisman


Admit it Donna, you don't mind the "problems" Crystal and Lily give you. :D

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