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Well, my Tootie Bug starts her Special Needs Ballet Class tomorrow :happydance:


I'm hoping she does well because she loves music :harp: :violin:


Plus, I can't wait to see her in her leotard and tights :cheer:


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elondie, how excited you both must be. i'm sure she will do the best she can, plus having fun in the process. of coarse we want pictures of her in her leotard and tights. please keep us updated on how shes doing.

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I bet you will be looking forward to going to her ballet class and seeing her having fun. we all want to see her picture too to visualise our youngest survivor giving fight of her lifetime.




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Kim, I'll be sure to take some pictures :big_grin:


I have 120+ pictures on my cell phone :lol:


I'll just have to ask someone to show me how to put them in here :blush:





Asha, your words brought tears to my eyes; thank you so much :hug:


Like I told Kim, I'll be glad to share the pictures; I'll just have to ask someone to :Help: me.

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As she is your miracle, she is our little site mascot angel and we all anxiously await and are excited to hear of such miraculous and wonderful milestones.

Looking forward to pictures of our prima ballerina :)

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Maria, oh my goodness; you have me in tears! Your post really touched my heart; thank you for your kind words :thankyou:


Our first experience with Ballet was interesting :)


My bug did enjoy listening to the music and began to move when she heard it. She especially enjoyed clapping and jumping; however, she was not very attentive :Whistle:


Although she is 5, developmentally I believe she is about to hit her terrible twos. She was whining, crying, and threw herself on the floor :nuhuh:


The volunteer who was working with my bug was great! Since we want Taylor to get the most out of this class, her PT is going to attempt to visit the class to offer suggestions :D


Despite her behavior, my bug received many

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Most five-year-olds tend to become easily distracted in anything less than highly organized settings with one directive given at a time very slowly. In as much as they love receiving attention, they don't like to be the focal point and many times will react as Taylor did because they feel embarrassed. She actually sounds like an an average 5 year-old with one advantage...she's already figured out that the prima ballerina is expected to be temperamental.

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Well, I'm still trying to figure out how to get pictures in here :wacko:


Tonight will be our second attempt at ballet.


I'm hoping Taylor will be more attentive and only throw a few tantrums :Tantrum: :lol:

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Tootie's regular volunteer returned last night :)


Tootie is starting to pay a little more attention and didn't have any tantrums :tongue:


In fact, after the class, Tootie blew 2 kisses at her volunteer :hug:

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Tootie's regular volunteer didn't show up last night so; Tootie had a volunteer that was new to her.


Tootie had a meltdown :crying:


She cried for most of the class but loved playing with the scepter :)


That girl really believes she's a queen :tongue:


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We had a small group of family and friends attend tonight :)


My Tootie looked so beautiful. The group danced to When You Wish Upon a Star.


Tootie actually pointed her toes and blew kisses.


Their group received a standing ovation :Clap-Hands:


I don

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It sounds like quite a magical night. I cried as I read it. I can only imagine how you felt seeing her do things you thought she never could.

I'm sure they'll be many more tears of joy for her many future accomplishments!

Maria :friends:

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Maria, it was so magical. I wish you could have been there! We are waiting for the pics to go on-line :bouncing_off_wall:


If you send me a PM, I will be happy to direct you to the website so you can see our ballerina :wub2:


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Ballerina Dreams is featured in Waco today. Tootie isn't pictured but her volunteer Brittany Russell is quoted. We were so blessed to have Brittany as our volunteer. She was wonderful with Tootie and will always have a special place in our heart :friends:


You can view the article by going to: wacotrib.com/wacotoday :Typing:


I put 2 recital pictures in my gallery album; one is with her mom and one is with Brittany :)

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My Tootie started ballet again last night :happydance:


For the fall recital, the girls will be dancing to a song from Beauty and the Beast :Dance:

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