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another day?



I finally got my new kafo, but unfortunately, there were problems with it. :yeahrite: I have two therapists and only one of them could get it locked and it took her almost 45mins. The good news is the other therapist borrowed an afo and I could actually walk with it, some. I had problems keeping my foot flat on the carpet. I could keep my foot in place when they finally got my new kafo on, but my foot would catch on the carpet. I had to take my kafo back to the VA so it is being repaired. Until then, I am using the afo. I do OK with it, but I do have some problems walking up the 2 inclines we have in the hallway. The afo does show some promise though. I am also using a walker instead of my quad cane., so I have to learn how to use the walker again. They are trying to get me to where I can walk to meals. I am getting closer. I made it almost to the dining room today.

To my therapists, Teddy is a problem. They are afraid he will get under my feet because the door is very hard to open. He does not like it when my therapist comes and gets me for therapy. He almost bit my therapist one morning and cried and put on quite a show, it sounded like someone was beating him. Today my therapist had the idea of me keeping Teddy in the bathroom while I'm gone. That idea is a definite negative. I put a treat in the bathroom, then closed the door on him and left. He was quiet, but was very upset with me. I don't blame him. I am not going to abuse his trust of me again. There is just going to have to be a different way. I felt so guilty.

I am doing therapy 5 times a week. I am also doing E-stem, which I haven't used in a very long time.

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Getting used to walking again, as you've not had an AFO or even KAFO takes time and adjustment. Even now, 3 years post, I need to consciously remember to pick up my foot or I'll end up smelling the carpet as well as getting rug burns on my face. We want things achieved yesterday and that unfortunately does not occur in our worlds any longer. Hope they get issues resolved with the locks on the KAFO.


As to your 4-legged protector - he's trying to protect his Dad bless his heart - he does not understand what is occuring. This is all new to him as well and will take time. I'm sure the therapists do not want him getting in your way as you're trying to walk and you injuring yourself.


(((hugs))) to both of you as you adjust.

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