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beautiful sunrise



all pink coming up over the pond... hmmm so peaceful.


So, kinda excited yet a bit scared. Dave and I go this morning to the VA and get taught how to give him his insulin shots. I dunno I think this one is up to Dave.... makes my tummy queasy thinking about it, lol. Hmmm unless he gives me one of those, i'm not listening to you days, you don't know anything thennnnnnn i'll be able to stick him with a needle.. lol, just kidding.

We go back to Dr's again on MOnday to talk antidepressants and counseling....


Found out the total list and names of his issues.

obviously, brain stem stroke survivor, he has coronary artery disease, a heart arrythemia (sp?) diabetes type 2, high blood pressure, situational depression (so who doesnt') congestive heart failure... but he is still up and walking around and yesterday was making some long term project plans, which I am sooooo happy about, it's about time that he has looked forward to something.


I just know that with getting the diabetes under control he will feel so much better.

yippee it's gonna be another great day...... :)




Recommended Comments

Sounds like you are getting closer to some solutions. The insulin will be better at getting the diabetes under control. I hated sticking Ray with a needle every morning but do it as part of the routine now. We just visited the kidney specialist and the urologist and got a good report from both so I must be doing somehing right.


Ray, like Dave, has multiple problems but can still go on quite happily with just an occassional check-up and a bit of a change in some of the medications.


Hope you survive learning your new nursing skills. You can do it. Just learn how and go for it.



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