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Can I ask a favor?



Hi Everyone


Thanks for all of your feedback to my last post.


I have a favor to ask.


A young man (18) Named Kyle Jay from our community here on Prince Edward Island suffered a Brainstem stroke in March and has been in hospital in Halifax ever since.


His family is with him, his friends have created a group on Facebook and his community and workmate have been organizing various fund raising events and acts of kindness to help out.


I wrote an email to Kyle and his family asking that I could let the online stroke community know about him so that fellow survivors and caregivers could encourage both Kyle and his family by posting encouraging messages or sending emails of encouragement to Kyle and his family.


My email




My name is Gary and this message is for Kyle and his family


Garth, Darlene, Kurt and Kyle I first heard about your stroke from a neighbor lady shortly after it happened. I was also contacted by the the Heart and Stroke Foundation of PEI asking if I knew of any way to give support to you during this very difficult time. Mainly why I was contacted was because I also suffered a stroke on August 10, 2002 while standing at the counter at Tim Horton's in Montague would you believe. Click here to visit my home page and read about my experience.


During a home care visit this morning my Home Care Worker mentioned the article on you (Kyle) in last week's Graphic. I tracked down a copy and made a photocopy of the article. While reading the article I found the Facebook group that Kyle's friends had started and since I am a member of Facebook I joined the group. I was able to view the awesome video that is featured there and read the posts on how Kyle has been making such great progress (thus this email address)....... Way to Go Kyle!!! :)


I was thinking about you Kyle and your family and friends, about how this whole experience must seem so frightening trying to make sense of what has happened and how to cope with the present and future. I thought of what it was like for me and where I found the answers that I needed to put my life back together again. For me it was an online stroke support group that I found about a year after my stroke. I met many other stroke survivors men and women of all ages who were also looking for answers. I am still a member of the group and continue to check in as often as I can. The fellow that organized the group is a brain stem stroke survivor and there are other members that are also brain stem stroke survivors. I fact one member is Dr Shawn Jennings a brain stem stroke survivor who resides in New Brunswick. Shawn may have already been in contact with you as he had emailed me that he was aware of your stroke and that you were in hospital in Halifax.


I do need to bring this email to a conclusion so as not to tire you out. (I understand the fatigue that comes with having had a stroke)


I just wanted to introduce myself to you and let you know that you are a member of a growing number of stroke survivors both here on Prince Edward Island and around the world. Recovery is possible and we never give up hope. It's a long road with lots and lots of hard work but there is life after stroke don't ever let anyone tell you different. You have many friends in the stroke community and they will be true friends that will stick by you.


I would like to share your story with the online stroke community so that they can contribute to the encouragement that you all need at this time. If that is ok with you, could you please let me know be reply email.


I look forward to your continued progress toward your new future and your new normal. I have a little saying that I like to share with my stroke buddies. "The more that we care, the more we share...."


Wishing you a continued and positive recovery.


Smiles :)




Kyles's reply


Hello Gary:


Sorry it took so long but the days go bye very fast now it seems. Kyle is doing ok but an off day today. Bowels are now too loose so they are watching this plus dreary day and we all know that he will have days of being mad at the world as we do. He hasn't been corked today and that is ok that will come in time. We got word that we are going to be going back to PEI on Monday or Tues and this will be good for all of us. He will still have his trach but that is ok it will be good for him to start his rehab. We do appreciate you emailing us and look forward to one day meeting you we hope. I read all his emails to him as he cannot work the computer yet and still has some double vision. He is making great strides in such a short amount of time and much more than we thought so far. The Drs. are amazed at how far he has come and not even in rehab yet. Gary did you have a trach? Kyle is on so much meds right now and I hope in time he will be weened from some but I know that he needs his meds right now. Thank you again for emailing us and when he can get online for sure he will be part of the stroke gang.


Take Care

The Jay Family


So the favor that I am asking is this:


If you are so inclined could you post or email a message of encouragement to Kyle and his family?



Click here for Email address:


Click Here for the Face book group:


Thanks! and remember the more that we share means the more that we care...


Smiles :)




Recommended Comments

hi gary,


it was nice of you to reach out to the jay family and extend your good wishes. i was not able to get into any of the links you provided. to get to the facebook page, you have to use a password.


it might be easier if a member of the jay family joins our group and regularly posts info about kyle's recovery so all of us can respond. the family would genuinely benefit from all the info they'll find here.

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I agree with Louise; encourage his family to join our site to facilitate the exchange of information. Even if they just visit the site right now as guests, they can join when the chaos declines a bit.

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I have sent e-mail message to kyle's family, though they will get so much more by joining this support group




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Hi Louise, Donna and Asha


Thank you all for your posts.


Yes Louise you have to be a FaceBook member before you can post to the site. (It is free and easy to do the sign up)


Donna, I agree comming to The Stroke Network is the ideal solution. I gotta tell ya that Darlene, Kyle's mom, is on a very steep learning curve. With learning about stroke and FaceBook and laptops all from scratch since the first om March.


I am not sure how much more that she can take on her plate right now.


That's why I thought if any of us that were Stroke Network members had FaceBook accounts might send a message of encouragement to Kyle and gently encourage that they "The J Room" check out this site.


Asha Thanks that is exactly why I posted this blog post. Thank you so much!


Thanks again ladies you are the best....


Smiles :)





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Hi Jean


Thank you so much. I just posted to his group site. (FB) Sounds like he may get transfered back to Charlottetown this coming week.


BTW Sorry to hear that Cooper (bye) had to go to sleep. I am enjoying the new blog and looking forward to getting to know Levi.


Say hi to Don for me and hope that all is well with you both.


Smiles :)



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You are so thoughtful and kind. I will definately show my upport for Kyle and his family. Thank you for doing this for him.

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Hi Phoenix


Thank you so much for your post. I just checked in on Kyle's group on FaceBook. His mom (Darlene) has posted that returning to PEI is on hold as Kyle has been sick this week. It seems that he is having some trouble as" he is getting sick often." She says "Kyle has a problem with secretions in the back of his throat and this makes him gag which makes him get sick."


Sounds like Kyle needs all of the support that he can get. She says "Kyle is having a really tough time right now as the sickness continues. Us along with Drs are not sure what is going on but Kyle is frustrated as hell. "


So thanks,




p.s. I am going to copy Kyle's mom's (Darlene) latest posts to a new blog post as an update on how Kyle is doing.



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