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lost in cyberspace



Yep...I am back. Due to a lot of unforseen circumstances both mechanical failure and ISP orneriness caused me to be blacked out so Trev set up a new ISP and late this afternoon I finally got access to the internet again. Like a boomerang you can throw me away but I'll finish up at your feet or hitting you on the back of the head! So watch out!


What has occupied the past week or so? All sorts of things - doctor's appointments, hair cuts, the usual round of engagements that forms the framework of our lives. The glorious late autumn sunshine has made sitting out on the verandah with Ray such a pleasure. We have a "Biggest Morning Tea" campaign in May with people encouraged to meet together for a "cuppa" and donate money to the Cancer Council for research and so far Ray and I have attended two with two more to go, so our social life has suddenly improved!


Then there was Mother's Day last Sunday and after we went to church we went over for a BBQ over with our married son's family. A bit of a mixed blessing for him though as he was "on call" for the funeral company he works for. Someone had to do it and he got the short straw. So he did three "pick ups", one at a nursing home, two from private homes. He said the third one was the worst as there was a large family in the house and much grief. It is a hard job when it is like that for the "removalists". Trev did the BBQ at his house in his place so we did not starve and enjoyed a family time with our daughter-in-law and three grandchildren.


I did get some separation anxiety from being without access to my internet friends and did have a full day on the pity pot when the "blues" hit me so hard I thought I would just go away and not come back. That was partly from the feeling that I have been "too long" at this caring business and it was all too hard. Nine years and counting does not make that feeling go away. The years of experience just help me keep it at bay. And I get by with a LOT of help from family and friends. It never seems to get easier, just harder as you age. But that's love at work.


And life does go on. Some happy days, some not so good. With the dementia Ray has good and bad days and it is hard to say why. Some things he does makes me want to scream, others seem to reduce me to tears. I had that one early morning when he decided to "look for something" in the refrigerator and picked up a large container of pumpkin soup and dropped it all over the kitchen floor. What a clean-up! But even as I scolded I could see his sad expression and knew that in some way he was just trying to help, to lighten my load. How very unfair life seems sometimes...to both of us.


I booked our flights to Cairns for two weeks in June today. As I was booking them I was looking ahead to the trip, an hour and a half by car to Sydney, one hour (at least) to wait at the airport, three hours on the plane. It is hard on Ray, sitting for so long but if I take his puzzle book in my carry on luggage and keep him busy it will all go by in a flash. I try to cushion life for him as much as I can. With physical and now mental problems life is no picnic for him either. I have to remember that...if it is why me? it must also be...why him? too.


I'll spend some time now reading your blogs and then read all the posts I have missed. It will take a while to catch up. But that is okay...life will go by anyway.





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we missed you around here, I was this close to sending you PM. glad Trev set you up with our lifeline. our cuppa is incomplete without your blog. I know caregiving isn't easy, but for whatever reasons you all are doing with love for your spouse it is remarkable.



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You can bommerang and land at my feet or smack me up long side the back of my head any day of the week :BashHead:

Your presence was missed. Thank you for responding to my pm letting me know you guys were ok. I had hoped and prayed it was a computer malfunction and nothing more serious. I wish our system here on-site had a warning program that would alert us automatically if a "regular" member or staff vanished from our radar screen for more than a few days. For those of us who are either brain damaged or overly busy with caring for loved ones, it would bring to the forefront that one of our "buddies" is MIA.


Glad your Mother's Day was enjoyable with family.


I can now enjoy my cuppa (of coffee tight now) knowing that our Aussie family is ok.


Love to you and Ray :wub2: :My Hero: :friends:

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My computer has been down also and I know how disconnected that can make you feel. I have just now got it up and running again and it is a relief.


The reality of our husbands can be really puzzling can't they. The other day I took our dinner out of the freezer to thaw but when I went to pop it in the oven, I found Dick had returned it to the freezer! Rather frustrating but I know that at some level he was trying to help.


Dick's dementia has taken such a sudden fast track that I am left feeling there is no longer much of any structure to our lives. I too ask why all the time but have to follow with why not. Sometimes I get angry and feel sorry for myself. Then today I had a chat with Dick and made the comment that his world must be very confusing. He shook his head violently up and down and repeated VERY CONFUSING. Poor fellow.


Your trip sounds exciting. Not sure whether I have the courage to try at this point but you've got me thinking about it.



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Ruth, you only live once (thank goodness) so have to treat every day, week, year as close to how you would have done pre-stroke(s) and fit in as much as you can. People say to me "I don't know how you do as much as you do with Ray." Honestly sometimes I don't know either. But I have just the one life and use it as best I can. I am partly driven by the statistic that says some caregivers pre-decease the person they care for. So there may never be "me time" and I have to use my time well.


I am not usually an angry person but the last few days have really been so full of things that have pushed my buttons. Today a new worker who had never been here before came to look after Ray, so the first twenty minutes of my "time off" was spent running her through the routine. She didn't clean the bathroom, didn't put out the washing, even left all the lights on in the house. I wonder what kind of training the company puts them through.


I live in a world that I can't control and sometimes don't seem to be coping very well with. But it is the hand I have been dealt for some reason and I have to do what there is to do to the best of my ability.





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