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Kyle is fighting back...



Hi Everyone


I checked for posts today and here is Darlene's post from earlier today.



Darlene Jay wrote

at 5:22pm

hey everyone.Kyle had another good day. Feeds working no sickness, he does continue to try corking and this is a challenge for him as gags him. He still makes movements. Today up in the litegate where it allows him to stand. With the help of the phyio guys moving his legs he made it to the doorway. Then the legs toned and too hard to bend. He had lots of smiles today and even put his hat on when out for a walk so we all know he must be feeling better cause didn't want to wear his hat in the past month. Hope for a good day again tomorrow.


My personal note for today: I met Kyle's Grand Dad today at our local Tim Horton's. (coffee shop) He introduced himself to me and told me that he had seen Kyle last weekend and that he is good mentally and his memory is intact so those are both good things. He also talked about Kyle's fighting attitude and his wanting to get back into life with his friends and family. He also mentioned that Kyle had gotten encouraging messages from distant places which I took to be emails from stroke buddies by posts and emails.


He also said that Dr. Shawn Jennings (Stroke Network Member) has been in contact with Kyle.


This is all very encouraging and the stuff that recovery is made of.



Smiles :)





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thanks for updating us. you won't believe I can't wait everyday to get news about Kyle. I know road ahead is hard and filled with lot of tears and hard work. but it is also filled with lot of happiness when you conquer those inner fear and let strength within you shine through. journey post stroke becomes real gem. I just want Kyle to know many before him travelled through that road and are still doing so great. Kyle read cagedbird(Katrina's blog). she also suffered stroke at young age, but just recently she finished her freshman year at college with tons of accoldes. now I will become this stroke auntie to you and tell you, you are still you and you can and will still go places, stroke is just little bump in your life's journey. you can fight this and we are all here for you.


AshaAuntie(38 year old )

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Hi Asha


Thanks again for your post. You are so faithful.


Good news I am posting to the blog another update from today and guess what!


Kyle typed on the computer.


Check out the new post to see.


Smiles :)



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