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Plodding along on this never ending journey



I an three years post stroke, I have gleefully been rebuilding my life for the last two years, I have been enjoying doing that, excited about all the new things I've been learning, loving the new friends I've made and just overall immersing myself in this new life and living it to the fullest.

In the last day or two, my steps have become slower, left foot dragging a bit, I've started plodding along on my journey. I'm getting tired of walking on this path, it is getting boring. Maybe the novelty is wearing off. I seem to be at another crossroad, faced with even more choices.

The barn plans seem to have fallen threw, I have another set back to deal with. I'm just trying to juggle myself into the right direction to work on the set back. I'm trying to turn this around and make some lemonaid. Since it is the week end, my chances of turning this around won't happen today. I'm also trying to make decisions that are well thought out and not motivated by emotions. I'm trying to act instead of react. In this case, I think the slower I go, the better off I will be. It is better to research all of my options. Although I want out of this house so badly, I can stay for awhile more, I can handle it. Ha! And they say I lost impulse control? I think I've gotten it back.



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