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Back on "regular" food



The ST finally put Larry back on regular food today. We've been giving him regular food for some time now, but she finally made it official. No more creamed spinach! Yahoo! Maybe now he will eat more. He's lost 30 pounds since 4/22, and although he certainly had them to spare (look who's talking - ahem!), that's a bit too fast.


He seemed in good spirits today, and he worked hard at all of his therapy sessions. He's definitely getting stronger on his "good" left side. The PT is trying to get him to be able to help more in transferring from bed to chair, using the transfer board, and today he did better than he's been able to do before. This will be a huge deal when he comes home - even after the weight loss Larry still weighs about 270 pounds, so it is no easy matter to move him. If he can get better at the transfer process that will mean that we can get to the point where I could move him myself, which I just can't do now. The PT is very good with Larry and is teaching him how to slowly inch along the board. He can't pivot at all, so that's a problem, but he's so much better than he was at first. I watch him and find myself using all kinds of body english trying to get him to move forward - it's like the invisible brake when you're teaching a teenager to drive! So funny.


The speech therapist told me yesterday that Larry's getting better at identifying and pointing to the pictures that she uses in their therapy. Today I brought a National Geographic and tried getting him to point to those pictures, thinking that maybe that would be easier for him than the black and white line drawings that the ST uses. One of his specialties as a physical anthropologist/geneticist is primates, and they had a page with maybe 12 different kinds of monkeys. When I asked him to point to the bonobo, or the capuchin, or the marmoset he was definitely able to do that. I'll be the PT couldn't!! So maybe he is better with pictures that are closer to what something really looks like than he is with line drawings that are more abstract. It was pretty interesting, anyway.


As for me, a friend who has been in the military for a long time offered to go to the VA with me to see about what I need to do to get Larry's service records; that's the first step in finding out whether or not he's eligible for any benefits. He was able to help me get the right form and draft a cover letter to send it in. A huge relief, because I have been putting this off for several weeks. He really knows the system, and I'm sure saved me hours of chasing my tail trying to figure it all out. So, I can cross that off my list and feel as though I accomplished something.


A good day for both of us. I'm really anxious for Larry to come home, but glad that he's getting therapy that is helping him. The next few weeks will pass, and then he'll be home and we'll have to deal with that change too. For someone who was a pretty sedate homebody type, this has been quite a month!!




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Another great day in the recovery world for Larry and his loving wife - Whoooohoooooo!!!!


It all takes time and he's doing excellent for this period of time.

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My husband lost about 60 pounds right after his stroke. It happened very quickly but somehow I was focused on so many other things I was not worried about it. It has been a good thing though because it makes it much easier for me to lift him. You both sould like you are getting stronger and making great leaps to recovery. Congrats!


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I am so happy for you both, its good that you also hve started focusing on positives in both of your lives right now and it's day to day basis and no more future projections and worrying about it. More he will get independent, it will be easier for you. so get best out of this time for both of u.




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Hi Janine,


I'm so happy to hear Larry is doing well. Just remember the roller coaster though so you don't get depressed on an "off" day! The first yearis a real trip! Don't push to get him home either - even though I know how you feel, his successful rehab is sooo important for the future.


I hope you can get some VA benefits for Larry. I wish we were closer to a VA hospital because when Bill was evaluated at one I was so impressed with the OT. She went down a list of items and asked if we had them - those we didn't have she got for us. It was pretty amazing what they will do for a vet. I can't help you with much of getting enrolled because Bill has been a disabled vet since Vietnam. I have learned a lot about the system though and if he is elegible I think I can help you maneuver through the system a little bit.


Your blog was good news - just like we like to hear!!





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Thanks, Ann - I am so fortunate to have an old friend who is a Lt. Colonel and was willing to take me to the VA. There is a very nice VA facility about 3 miles from where we live; if Larry could get any help there it would be such a godsend. My friend was able to help me get the right forms that I need in order to get Larry's service records, and says that once I have that I will be able to start finding out about benefits. I do know that there is a big difference as far as what's available if you were disabled while in the military, which Larry wasn't, but still it is worth a try! I'll let you know how I make out.


xxx's and ooo's



Hi Janine,


I'm so happy to hear Larry is doing well. Just remember the roller coaster though so you don't get depressed on an "off" day! The first yearis a real trip! Don't push to get him home either - even though I know how you feel, his successful rehab is sooo important for the future.


I hope you can get some VA benefits for Larry. I wish we were closer to a VA hospital because when Bill was evaluated at one I was so impressed with the OT. She went down a list of items and asked if we had them - those we didn't have she got for us. It was pretty amazing what they will do for a vet. I can't help you with much of getting enrolled because Bill has been a disabled vet since Vietnam. I have learned a lot about the system though and if he is elegible I think I can help you maneuver through the system a little bit.


Your blog was good news - just like we like to hear!!






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