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Kyle is getting more movement!



Hi Everyone


I checked in on the J Room and found this post from Mama J.



Darlene Jay wrote

at 9:18pm

hey everyone,Kyle is doing good. New movements of the shoulders and body is stretching. He is working really hard in physio and the right leg is improving along with the hard work. We talked about his eyes last night as there could be nerve damage and he said on his spell board"They told me I would never move and they were wrong and then points to a plaque I got him stating Miracles do Happen and that is him. Each day he shows us something new. He has only been here 2 weeks and it is amazing how far he has come.


Kyle is an inspiration to all of us.


Gooo Kyle!!!


Smiles :)




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the news of kyle's progress is wonderful! thank you for bringing us the updates of his recovery! he's a fighter!

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Hi Girls and thanks for your great comments.


I just checked the J Room for comments and there wee no new ones.


Of course we hope that no news means good news...


I will check again tomorrow and post any new news that I find.


Tomorrow I will be away again all day and early evening.


Talk later


Smiles :)



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