Poems for my Precious Harley Boy
Pets are Therapeutic
Many stroke survivors and families have discovered that pets can play an important role in recovery. The two poems in this section are about dogs. In the first, a dog who provides unconditional love is saluted. In the second is about a dog who is nearing the end of his life.
Paw Prints
By Jan Johnson
In life you meet lots of different people
Some are trustworthy, Some are kind and sincere
Some have no hidden agenda
While others may have different plans
I have found in my life there is one Four legged fellow
who is so special from all the rest
All he has to do is look into my eyes
and there I find it
Unconditional love, forever love and devotion
The way he tilts his head and moves his ears
to listen to every word I share with him
He looks into my eyes and can see
down to my soul
It is times like that I feel additional
Harley Paw Prints being put on my heart
These Paw Prints will last a lifetime
With each one given to me, our bond
just gets stronger and stronger
He is there when I shed tears
He is there when I share laughter with him
He is there just because he wants to be
He knows I am different from the rest
He sees me in my wheelchair and with
my walker or cane
He knows I must sit in my Lift Chair
None of this matters to him, he could care less
that I am a Brain Stem Stroke Survivor
All he cares about is the love I share with him
There is no greater love than that
Harley is my blessing from Heaven
For you see God sent him to me
Backwards is the word DOG
This is the message sent to me
He was sent from GOD for if I hadn't gone through
this journey, there would be no Harley
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