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Again, I have not blogged in quite some time. Therefore with so many things on my mind I thought of my parents and how old both of them would be this year if they were still alive. My mom was born in 1898 while my father was born in 1875. That is a long time ago by any calendar. I feel blessed to be their 18th and last child born in 1941. Just one set of twin girls born six years before me. I never knew but twelve of us because six died early after birth or was still born. No hospital births, they were all by mid wife at home. I can remember when they were my age(67). I considered that old with many grand kids and great grand kids too. I now have grand kids and great grands too.


Now I think of Mr Obama with two young kids who just made history becoming the first African American President to live in the White House that was constructed by slaves from Africa including his great,great,great grand father. They showed the construction of the White House on TV. Imagine the story he will tell his kids. He made history becoming the 44th President of the United States. Many of us thought we would never live to see an African American as president of the United States of America.


Black gospel music throughout African history was sung by the slaves as they constructed the White House along with many other construction projects here in the United States. Before the 1800's the lyrics, tunes and beats of Negro spirituals and gospel songs were highly influenced by the environment in which they worked. African American slaves met in camp meetings and sang without any hymn book. Spontaneous songs were composed on the spot. They were called spiritual songs and christian songs alike. Most of them concern what the bible says and how to live with the spirit of God.


This bit of history was taught to me by my mom mostly never to be forgotten as long as I live no matter where I am or where I live. My parents saw with their eyes the hanging of slaves that I only read about. They got very little schooling because of constant moving from one place to another including plantations. Religion was really all they had that could be called their own Everything else was shared in one form or another. Thus came "Sharecroppers" and years later migrant farm workers.


February now is Black history month and with all the history made by Blacks so few people know very little about Black history. With my parents being born in the 1800's and I have lived this long means so much to me although I have had my fare share of life's struggles.


I write this blog to kindly acknowledge those that don't care to hear or discuss God and religion to understand why I can do so very easily. I respect each member, their likes and dislikes of any subjects being discussed here. I have been here five years and in my physical condition I look and pray to God for comfort and understanding of why me for many more years.


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Wow, Fred, your blog blew me away. You are so sincere in all you do and say. I respect that.


I am mostly Anglo Saxon and was born in England to English parents who migrated out to Australia when I was seven. I live in a land now that had a population already when the first colonists came. No-one quite understood the scattered native tribes, how they lived, how they cultivated by fire, how they lived off the land. The new settlers decimated the original population and in some places wiped them out all together. Now we, as Australians, are trying to reverse some of the damage done but there is a long way to go to restore what is lost.


I can't say I understand what you have lived through, being the 18th child, born to parents already old. What I can do is commend you for your dignity and honesty and loving kindness in the dealings that you have with others. With little education themselves they still raised you to be a fine man.



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We are blessed to have you among us. You might not post entries often but when you do....WOW And that's a super WOW!!!


History was made as our President is Bi-racial.

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I always enjoy your blogs they are really told from bottom of your heart. I for one enjoy & love spiritual talk. With first African American as our president I tell my son there are no excuse not to succeed in this land of opportunity. Saturday we watched gifted hands movie true story of black neurosurgeon who separated first siamese twins in world. It was such a inspiring tale. & you can see why this kid succeeded it was due to strong mom. you have been also raised very well by your parents.




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