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Comedy of Errors



It was the first time I was able to get out of the house, WOW, actually getting out ... Yeah, I was so

excited. Finally. Hadn't been out since my Birthday, 12/26. So, at around 12ish, Debbie called

and said she was on her way over, she was going to have to walk up as her Son had her car,

I asked her to wait to see if Wayne could go over and pick her up as she is only a few streets over

which he did. I was up and ready to go. Got my shower, hair done and even did my makeup... look out

world. I was on the loose I had gotten my purse, etc. and when Debbie walked in, I asked where was Wayne. He had taken Harley for a walk. So, I said, ok, well let's get going, I had

things to do and people to see. As I was going out the front door, I thought, since Wayne wasn't here

I would lock it, then a thought entered my mind, he does have his keys as he had just driven over

to pick up Debbie. Then, it happened, that ole Brain Stem Stroke Cloud entered, did he tell me to lock it

or not? I asked Debbie, do you know which way he went for his walk with Harley, maybe you could drive there

and ask him .... to lock or not to lock, she said, Jan, you know he never leaves the door unlocked.

Which is true, I thought after great thought. She said, let's get going. I had a lot on the agenda for the

day. I wasn't sure ... should I or shouldn' I. I didn't know what to do. Oh well, I went ahead and just shut the bottom lock and pulled the door and said ok Debbie, let's book it. Just then, she turned and said to me, Jan, Wayne just yelled to me,

"I hope she didn't lock that door." Debbie poked her head to me, and said, Oh My Gosh, Jan, Wayne just said, hope she didn't lock the door. .........................................


I got so upset. he said, I told her not to lock the door. I promise you,


He never said that. I don't remember him ... I shared with him, I have tried over and over again, to


explain to him the damage from my Brain Stem Stroke, he doesn't buy it. I have asked him, suggested

to him, please look at the messages from other Brain Stem Stroke Survivors, Wayne, things I am

going through, what you go through as my Caregiver are all listed there.

He won't look. It sure would make my life easier if he would just give it a shot.

I have printed out things from time to to time.


Then, we stopped at the Bank to make my deposit, then we headed off to the Circuit City as they

are going out of business and I needed to get new batteries for my camera and I wanted to look at

the tvs as Wayne's is on the way out and I wanted to do something nice for him. I always try to do

something nice for him.... plus, The guy was not helpful at all,

He wouldn't look straight at me and kept going side to side, etc. I finally asked if he would please try

to accommodate me like I had asked him to, I had shared the reason why I can't see properly, the blindness due from the Brain Stem Stroke and that I need him to stand in one spot and look at me


directly.... nope couldn't do that. All he wanted to do was make the sale and move on.

He got me so disgusted with him, I just said to Debbie, let's just roll.... He said aren't we going to seal the deal, I polietly basically just let him know ... nope, no seal of your deal. You wouldn't give me the time of day and try to accommdate me, therefore, I am moving on ....


I am glad I had the courage to do that. Maybe, for the next person in a wheelchair and Brain Stem Stroke or disability of any kind, will get better service, we deserve that. He was just a jerk. He would go to other able bodied people and help them while he was suppose to be helping me. Not considerate at all. I didn't need to take that from him. I deserve better.


Next stop was getting my nails done. No major upset there. Except I started dozing off while they were

under the dryer and all of a sudden out of no where, there was banging on the window.... I didn't know

what was going on, people were yelling, why were these people banging on the windows

All the employees there are from VietNam, very nice people, however, very quiet. So different

from us. It ended up being my friend, Debbie's son, Eric, and he saw my car (hard to miss, has a big lift on the back, and he wanted to stop by and say hello and let me meet his new girlfriend. He is a real

cutup anyway, but the owner, Jimmy, wasn't real happy about him banging on the windows.

He was doing Debbie's nails and he asked her who that was. She told him her son and that he just loves

Jan, etc. It was a nice visit and I like his girlfriend. It was nice meeting her.

Next stop, lunch. Had a nice lunch. Then it was time for my haircut. Karen did a great job, like always,

but I had to hear Debbie complaining, I don't know why you just don't go and get a ten dollar haircut like

where I go. I explain to her like I always do, Debbie, I have been going to Karen for over twenty years,

I love the way she cuts my hair, When I was in rehab, and when I am too bad not being able to get in


she will come to my house to cut my hair. She came to my house the morning of my wedding and did my hair. She is a very Good friend and like a family member. Those type of people are special and we are

blessed to have them in our lives. Then I have to listen to Debbie's "she doesn't cut that much off, thing is, they sweep it all up as she is doing it. So, it's not all in one spot, I know how much she takes off, even

Wayne said wow, she took a lot off. Thing is with Debbie she is negative. That is the one thing I don't care for. But, if she doesn't take me, then I don't get out.

On the way home, I asked her, do you think we could go around the Bay, it's only a half mile from my home, NO, she said. I was a little upset by that, Well, I was shocked cuz when I got home, I sat outside for a bit and just enjoyed being out. I got up to get in the house and wayne said what are you doing and I said, going in. he said don't you want to see the Bay? He said I was coming out to take you .... so we went. He had asked me if Debbie took me there and I said no.

Harley,Wayne and I all went for a quick drive to the bay and back.

Guess that was my Valentine's Day gift. hehehe

I think maybe while I was gone he reflected on what happened and how he went off the handle at me.

Debbie said he was quite upset and even used the "F" word and she has never heard him say that.

It was a real mess, Praise God, he found a screw driver in my trunk of my car and used that to try to get the door open, it opened and then Isaid: Wow, guess our house isn't that burglar proof is it if you can

get the door open quick like that. He said well you only locked the bottom lock not the double bolt, etc.

we have three locks on the front door. Thank goodness, I only did the bottom one.


Guess the ole brain led me to the bottom one. Maybe I still have some smarts after all. hehehe




When we were at Circuit City, she got out to get my wheelchair, and the wind was very strong yesterday.

Very powerful, and it blew and the door shut and Debbie was leaning over the seat and yelled Jan, why

didn't you catch the door, I tried but it was a little too late. She made a big deal that her foot was hurt


from the force of the wind. I felt bad but I really thought it was a little big to say how hurt she was.

I told her I was sorry. She shouldn't have been leaning over like she was. She could have walked to the

side of the car and opened the door and gotten what she needed.


Oh, well, I am greatful I got out. A mixed day of events.


Once again, the stores we went to, nothing but boxes all stuck in the middle of the aisles and we couldnt'

get through and she was yelling so loud, people just stared. Like saying LOOK have a disabled

lady in the wheelchair who got get around... you know? I was embarrassed and asked her

Debbie, why not just go to the counter and ask for them to move the boxes. NO, it isn't right and they should be aware that people in wheelchairs do come there to shop. We may be disabled but we still

can shop til we drop. I've told the assistants before, yep, that's how I ended up in my wheelchair


I've shopped until I've dropped.

I wish Debbie would be happy and more positive.

The one thing she and Wayne don't realize or won't realize should I say is: They will NOT come to my side

of the car and help me out. My Brain Stem Stroke affected my right side and I need help getting my right leg

in and out of the car. They always tell me, it's been five years now, come on and get out. DUD, I need help. and then I think, while they are complaining, you know I was 100% paralyzed, it is a blessing I can

do what I can do. So, you think you can help me out here?

I don't know, I try to focus on the positive, I got out. and for that, I am so greatful for that.


Thanks for letting me get all of this off my chest.



Believe In Miracles and SOAR


I won't let people or events steal my joy in life.




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Jan, I am a caregiver, as you know, and have been looking after Ray for nine years now. I get tired, I get frustrated, I get anxious and sometimes I yell at Ray. And like your friend Debbie I holler when I am frustrated by blocked aisles and things placed awkwardly in stores so I can't get Ray in the wheelchair to somewhere he needs to go. I know I embarass him sometimes but all we need is a little consideration.


You did have a day of mixed blessings as we sometimes do. And yet in order to have the great patience we need to get through life I guess days like this are instructive and necessary. I'm glad you didn't seal the deal with a shop assistant who couldn't give you the respect you deserve. He needs a few lessons in life I guess so he learns to treat all folk the same.


Keep using those wings to soar Jan.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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I am so glad you wrote this blog with all heartaches & blessings blend in. I Personally didn't like your friend Debbie the way she was behaving one would think she is doing this job 24X7, but anyhow she is atleast willing to take you out. & your bay ride with Harley sounded beautiful.


believe in miracles & soar Jan.







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What a day! I know how you must have been looking forward to getting out, enjoying some fresh air, and getting some errands done. Hopefully the next trip out will be better.


I am glad you were able to get your hair and nails done as that usually makes one feel better. I understand about your stylist. The individual I go to is like a family friend, too. He is phenomenal with hair.



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Hi Jan! :Hi: Holy Toledo, lady, what a day you had, huh? Like you said, a real mixed bag! I'm glad you were able to get out and get your hair done--like the commercial says, we're worth it !I just wish you hadn't had to have gone through as much as you did to get it done, though! I found myself laughing at your description of the mental gymnastics you went through with the door issue because I put myself through similar torture way more often than I care to admit. That's one of the true beauties of this board, it usually takes another stroke victor to truly understand. It'scomforting to be able to read something, nod, and think

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