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Valentine's Day



Wow, yesterday was a day of love, surprise, and a special phone call.


I had gotten up and placed Wayne's Valentine's gifts on the table which is his routine every morning. He sits there and reads the paper while drinking his coffee. He likes to play the lottery and I had found some really special lottery tickets which said love, love, love on them and you would think they were real. They looked identical to a real lottery ticket. He said, wow, where did you get these? I told him when I was out the other day I saw them and had to get you some as you enjoy playing the lottery. He got a coin to scratch them off...... They said if you get three "lips" three of this and that then it said what you won. One thing was kisses forever, one said a massage, and so on. He said how do I redeem these? and we busted out laughing. I told him I'm sorry he didn't win the lottery and he said But I did, I have you.... that was the sweetest thing. It really touched my heart.


He liked his gifts from Harley and me.


My friend, kathy, stopped by and brought me beautiful roses. she knows I love flowers. She brought some adorable

Valentine Cupcakes. Then the highlight of my day was calling her Brother, George, at the hospital and spoke with him.

He has been in the hospital for quite a while and then in rehab. He is back in the hospital with congestive heart failure. What was so awesome about all of this is I was able to speak with him about keeping HOPE in his heart and about his feeding tube and swallow studies, I have been down the road he is down now and I got him to laugh and open up. I had the phone on speaker phone so Kathy could speak with him as well. I had sent some gifts up with Kathy as she was going to see him later on in the day. I asked him if he would like me to call him again and he said yes, he would like that every day because I know what he is going through. Kathy said that is the first time he has opened up like that with anyone. I felt the meaning of the day "LOVE" ..... to share with others. I was so happy because volunteer work is such a big part of my existence. I thanked God so very much. It is so much better to give than to receive.

My neighbors two children stopped by to visit and I had a blast with them. I love children so much.

My Grandson, Christopher, didn't get his girlfriend, Megan,all of 19 days a ring. His Mom told him it was way to soon. He is 15 and she will be 17. He got her a stuffed FROG as she loves FROGS.... ummmmmmmm. maybe after their first "kiss" dare I say that or even think of that????? she finally got her PRINCE????

She is cute but I just can't believe the pictures. Shelly, Chris' Mom, had taken like 14 pictures of them and we finally got them. I just sat in my chair and was seeing a totally different Grandson, it wasn't my lil Chris anymore.

Here he is in this picture with a girl hugging him and he her. He never liked that sort of thing. NEVER, how times have changed. They are holding hands in one picture, She has both her arms wrapped around his neck, Wayne and I kept saying He never liked stuff like that. We both agreed he's not our baby anymore. I just hope he doesn't get hurt.

But hurt is part of life. All emotions are part of our journey in life. He will learn and take away many thoughts and memories I know . But, if he does get hurt or upset and needs to talk things out, he always comes to his Mom Mom and Grandpop. We have a good relationship.

The most thoughtful gift I received last evening was when my Harley Boy came to me and was dancing all around me, I asked him if he had to go out..... but it wasn't that, I asked him if he was hungry, not that, I asked him if he just wanted to play, no, that wasn't it either. I finally managed to get up and follow him to see what he wanted, You will not believe this ...... but, it is the honest to goodness truth...... He went to the side door, I opened it and let him out. He would not go down the steps to do his business. He just stayed on the porch, and looked up in the dark sky. I followed his lead and looked up at it as well. Then, all of a sudden I saw the most beautiful full moon I have ever seen. It was like a bright orange/yellowish It was so breathtaking. I felt Harley had ordered that just for me. It was something I will never ever forget. My precious Harley Boy. I just adore him and love him so much. Then, after my gazing was done, he went down the steps and did his little business. He wouldn't even go in the house without me. He just sat by me as I did my Moon gazing. It was so special. He is my lil snuggle bug. He checks on me like clockwork. He just comes in to my room as I am watching television and will back himself up so I can pet him and he then lays on my feet and keep me company.

You know if I hadn't had this Brain Stem Stroke, there would never had been a Harley. So my biggest blessing is Harley. I traded having a Brain Stem Stroke for my Harley. I think I won out the best. If it wasn't for the stroke, I wouldn't have my NetWork friends. So in the bigger scheme of things, I won out. It's all how you look at it.

Well, Valentine's Day has come and gone, but I keep LOVE in my heart at all times, Do you? Would you like to join me? Let's start a new revolution here and now, Let there peace on earth and let it begin with us. Let Love take place of hate, Let Love gives us all that we need. Let's all get by with a little help from our friends. Let us not hate ourselves for what the Beast, Stroke, tries to do to us. Take our happiness, our well being. Let the Love of friends and family in and let the peace, joy return to our lives.

Well, that sums it up for today.

Thank you for stopping by. Have a blessed week.

God Bless,

Hugs, n Love,


Believe In Miracles And SOAR







Recommended Comments

ey Jan:


that was so lovely. I am so glad you had wonderful valentine day. while reading your blog I realized even with all your disability you have so much to offer to the world. I think your phone volunteering is great idea. you should pursue it.




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ey Jan:


that was so lovely. I am so glad you had wonderful valentine day. while reading your blog I realized even with all your disability you have so much to offer to the world. I think your phone volunteering is great idea. you should pursue it.





Asha: Just wanted to share with you that telephone ministry I have been doing since I came home and was able to speak, etc. Since I can no longer drive, this has been a way I could still be involved. I have people calling me and asking or my help with cancer, stroke, etc. I had established myself in my community through my work with cancer and muscular dystrophy patients. I am so glad that came into my life because I truly didn't know what or how I would still be able to do my volunteer work. God gave me the opportunity to still do that service for others. Helping others is in my blood. Since 1971 it started. So, the Beast, STROKE didn't take the best part of me. I just keep Believing in Miracles and SOAR.....

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