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Look, I Already Know That

Wesley H.


Thanks for the reminder regarding pacing myself. I already know that I need to take things a bit slower. But there


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And that, my dear brother, from someone who knows you, is why I told you to save the overdoing for Saturdays-- 'cause I knew you would overdo-- and why I said to not bite off too much more than you could chew-- 'cause I know you take big bites! And I understand you also eat elephant-- one bite at a time! Of course you'll git 'er done! LOLOL!!! :roflmao:

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You know...I think over achieving runs in the family too. I may be WAAAAY over 60 but I still think I can do a lot of things and so I do...sometimes! Then there are those times I think I can do something, get it started and have to call for reinforcement! You remember only too well how your Dad always was!

You WILL reach your goal, no doubt about it. Just going to take longer than you had planned. I am remembering the "Little Engine that thought he could." As the story goes..he did!


Love you bunches!

Mom :Good-Post:

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That was ,,,, and ok.. sometimes is still a bit of a problem.. pacing myslef. I try to listen to the signals, but it is often.. just one more.....over the years I have learned that not pacing myslef or overdoing.. takes more time to get the energy and back to where I was.. So even though i push.. I do know, i will have to pay the consequences.


As far as the speech, and walking.. If I push, and get overtired.. those deficts pop up.. almost 6 yrs post stroke.. I am far from where I was in the beginning.


best wishes on attaining your goals..



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Wes, There's Nothing To It BUT To DO IT and you are and you will ..... I am cheering :Clap-Hands: :cheer: you every mile of the way. I just pray you will take it slower when you feel the need to and know if you are just a lil slower in reaching your goal, hey that is ok, important thing YOU DID IT. The only race is the race you have set in your mind and your own time frame, whether you realize or believe this Wes.... ALL STROKE SURVIVORS HAD BEEN IN A RACE OF THEIR OWN, May not bike riding, cross jumping, etc. it is beating their oponent THE BEAST, STROKE. I have total faith in you and I am so happy you have won all your races and you have shared your victory laps with us here. Your sharing has had impact on so many others. Thanks for sharing you victory laps with us and your training laps as well. Keep it up, there are so many laps yet to discover.

God Bless, Hugs, Jan

Believe In Miracles And SOAR

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