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Sometimes We Wonder...Why Me Lord!



I thought this was true for me and I know for many others who express the same feelings when they find this site!


It's all about God's Love for all of us....He Loves Us!


Nevertheless, sometimes we wonder, "What did I do to deserve this?" or "Why me, why did God have to do this to me?"


Here is a wonderful explanation in my opinion anyway! "In part from my church bulletin."



A daughter is telling her Mother how everything is going wrong...She's failing algebra, her boyfriend broke up with her and her best friend is moving away. Same like having a stroke and being a Survivor.


Meanwhile, her Mother is baking a cake and she asks her daughter if she would like a snack, and the daughter says, "Absolutely Mom, I love cake."


"Here, have some cooking oil," her Mother offers. "Yuck" says her daughter. "How about a couple raw eggs?" that's Gross, Mom!"


"Would you like some flour then? Or maybe baking soda?" "Mom, those are all yucky too!"


To which the mother replies: "Yes, all those things seem bad all by themselves. But when they are put together in the right way, they make a wonderfully delicious cake!" Sorta like all of us being here in group support for each other.


God works the same way. Many times we wonder why He did this to me or why He would let us go through such bad and difficult times. But God knows that when He put these things all in His order, they always work for good! We just have to trust Him and eventually they will all make something wonderful!


God loves us and all His People. He sends us flowers every spring and a sunrise every morning. Whenever you want to talk, He'll listen. He answer your prayers, Right? He can live anywhere in the universe, and He chose your heart.


Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we live here, we might as well dance and make a joyful noise unto Him.


He gave His only begotten young sinless Son who died for our sins, that we may have everlasting life. We are loved by God and we must believe in His way. God does not force us to love Him, it's our choice.




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thank you for sharing that. I am not a stroke survivor, I am a caregiver, and I think this applies to us as well.


hugs anne

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Thank you for sharing. I read it twice slowly so it would sink in. How true it is!


Hey, how did it go on the job when you went back this past weekend?

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Good entry, Fred :Good-Post: , thanks!


Fortunately, asking "Why me?" hasn't been a major problem for me. I guess years back, even pre-stroke, my conscience kicked in at one point and I realized "Well, why not me?" in the sense that I'm no better or worse than anyone else. Your entry, though, still made me stop and think, and feel very fortunate.


Oh, yeah, I echo Stessie's question: how'd your first day back at work go? Please tell us when you can. Inquiring minds want to know!



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Stessie and PamToo,


It was great, I didn't get sleepy, sit on my scooter a lot, greeted many of my everyday customers who wondered where I had been. So hopefully I can get back in the groove soon. Forty hours you know but what can I say, I can use the dollars!


Glad the entry started you thinking, I was hoping I could help someone feel better about themselves.

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thanks for sharing wonderful blog with us. I spent my first few years thinking why me, & felt miserable, but when focus shifted to why not me, life became wonderful again. I am actually grateful for this experience in my life at that point in my life.


I am glad your first day went well. soon you will be back in groove.




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When my Dad was alive he was a Greeter at Walmart He loved people and could not ever adjust to retirement. When he retired from the ministry he continued to do hospital visitation anything the could volunteer to do. You and my Dad would have been quite fond of each other. I know I am my Dads Daughter.

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That was totally beautiful and so so true - thank you dear for sharing it with us. As always, quite profound entry.

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When my Dad was alive he was a Greeter at Walmart He loved people and could not ever adjust to retirement. When he retired from the ministry he continued to do hospital visitation anything the could volunteer to do. You and my Dad would have been quite fond of each other. I know I am my Dads Daughter.




Besides my mother's dad being a preacher, the brother before me became a preacher, still is, and I just go to church on a regular schedule these days. I did my share of all the crazy things as a young man and adult so I gotta go with God these last few years of my life otherwise I'd run into all those devils I grew up with in Hell.


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Thanks Fred for your post. I haven't done "why me" since my stroke because I don't think anyone "deserves" ill health. But that doesn't mean I don't have trouble copying, accepting my lot, and adjusting. I pray a lot and know that things will happen in God's time, not mine. I also did a lot of wild crazy things in my youth but I don't believe I'm being punished. God is giving me the grace to deal with this one day at a time.



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Guest Hostjoy


Dear Fred,

What a wonderful way to answer the often asked question, "Why me?". Your Faith in the Lord shines through in your posts and is an inspiration to many of us! God Bless and Keep you, Fred........Joy

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