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Wow count your many Blessings and name them one by one .... You do have a blessed life and in relecting on that you have somehow managed to help me refocus on what is really important. Thanks Karen

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hey Wes:


I officially pronounce you normal & happy. that's how I feel about my life. Though I don't work, but I am blessed that I don't need to work. my husband says I have paid my dues to society so now better enjoy my retirement & have fun.






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"Normal" is a state of mind for sure. I am not physically the same person I was before stroke entered my life. But now I can look at myself and see improvements - improvements from within that are much more important than the physical ones.

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Son, What a tribute to your life both the past and the present! I call you above the average "normal."

Congratulations on your solo flight! I know it was a great moment for you but I was recalling your first solo trip to work the day you got your drivers license. I had you call home when you got there and waited up for you until you got home.

I know I just spoke to you on the phone but I hadn't read this at the time. I sat here choked up, teary eyed and smiling, all at the same time!


Continue to count your blessings..."Count them one by one and it will surprise you what the Lord has done!" Sounds a lot like a hymn to me but it certainly does apply to you, to me, to all of us!


Now I have a question...you went into a See's store and didn't buy any chocolates?? You bought Sabrina some pants...please tell me you didn't purchase those in the Sees store! [ha] By the way...my favorite from Sees are "all" of them.


I am beyond thrilled at your progress!

Love you


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Great Blog Wes.. and as I heard from someone else. "Normal is a setting on a washing machine" You are so right ,, life is what we make it. We grow older, life changes, not just from stroke, but we mature in mind and body.


For many of us.. Stroke is an eye opening experience.. to Look and see what is "important " to each of us. to slow down,, we do not have to be on the fast track.. we can stp and smell the Sees Candy.. I love the chocolate covered marzipan..lol stop to enjoy the giggle of a baby.. and to appreciate and hold our loved ones a little closer.



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I really enjoyed your blog. It sounds as though you have reached the acceptance of stroke period and are continuing on with life. I actually feel that stroke brings out an inner peace and changes the way we see/adapt to the life we have remaining. We choose how we want to live the remainder of life.

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Dad, normal is boring. If all people were normal we would have nothing to teach one another, nothing to learn from one another. We would have less to learn about ourselves, and know less about our potential. Is the man who jumps out of airplanes, hot air balloons, and rides Harley Davidson's with the threat of death calling for him normal? No. Does he do it anyway? Yes. Is the man who lives a healthy and active lifestyle, yet survives a stroke, and lives to overcome and tell about it normal? Maybe no. Does he do it anyway? Yes. So does it matter if he is normal? He is an inspiration! He is an inspiration to those of us who are too afraid to board airplanes because we are afraid of heights; an inspiration to those of us who drive in the slow lane; to those of us who say "If only I would have..." He is an inspiration to those who have beaten the odds.


I'll take inspiration over normalcy any day.


P.S. I really hope you aren't at a Walmart somewhere in Chula Vista waiting for your copy of Twilight.


Love you lots!

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