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a week off and all's well



Usually when Ray is in respite care I see him once a week. I went yesterday to see if he had sufficient clothes etc and he was just fine. He has a nice large airy room and after he and I had talked a while we had coffee at "his" table and the three ladies he shares it with are permanent residents and seemed really nice. Trev and I went again today as we changed back off daylight saving last night and I was worried that his watch would be wrong. It was fine, he said the nurse changed it at breakfast time. So we had a short visit and then went off to the shops. One of the nurses there turns out to be a friend from a long time ago as her daughter was a friend of my daughter, that is a nice coincidence as I know she will give Ray some extra attention now.


My five days away turned out to be in a period of rain, nine inches over four days to be precise. I am sure we would have been able to see the dolphins on the Dolphin Watch boat trip if it had not been pouring with rain, the koala spotting walk was cancelled - due to rain etc. There was still a couple of excursions I enjoyed like the Fighter Plane Museum at Williamtown and the half day in Hunter Valley Gardens when it threatened to rain but didn't. The roses were somewhat bowed down but must have been magnificent last week and I enjoyed the Chinese, Japanese, formal english, storybook gardens etc. Of the 8 miles of pathways I probably did about half so I got my exercise in too. I was bus marshall on Thursday and everyone obediently got back on the bus when asked them to do so. I was pleased with them all and thanked them for their co-operation.


In the evenings we had entertainment - my team didn't win the trivia so missed out on the Easter eggs but did come up with a lot of silly answers that kept us laughing. I took part in one of those "how to host a Murder" plays and after round three was convinced I was the murderess but luckily someone else had an early opportunity to kill the victim and I came through with my reputation intact. Whew! It was set at a high school reunion and as our weekend theme had been "Happy Days" I had a similar outfit as the valedictorian of Rock'n'Roley High attending the fifth year reunion. Everyone said it was "type casting" and I didn't get a Logie but we did get a standing ovation ( well they were all off to get another drink I think) so it was worth all the stress.


We had a mixture of ages on board for our post-rort tour, and people from all over Australia plus a party of six from New Zealand but there were not a lot of complaints. Most agreed that the food was excellent and the only real disappointment was the rain. I just enjoyed being away from home for a few days. The company of other women is something I miss, also just that kind of conversation that flows and eddies around a lot of subjects over a couple of hours. You only get that with people you know. Being alone wasn't a problem as I got invitd to sit at various tables so got to know a lot of other people better than I had been able to in previous years when we had attended the conventions but my main focus was on Ray. It was great to be "Sue alone" for a change. But it was so good to get home to my own bed!


The next week will be some outside activities and some clean-up work at home. If it is fine I will tackle the yard, if it isn't I will tackle the cupboards. There should still be some lovely mild sunny days before the autumn is over and winter begins but it is nice to get the winter clothes out and aired and to find replacements for those that look as if they have seen better days. We are inclined to cling on to our "old favourites" and go out looking less than our best so as soon as winter clothes are in the shops I am going to get Ray a couple of new outfits and sneak them into the back of his wardrobe so he can wear them to church etc this winter. He sees buying him new outfits as wasting money so better to do it before he comes home.


It is this time of the year when I reflect on how I spend my time. I tell people I have a lot of choices, housework, yardwork, handicrafts, reading etc. Sure there is a lot of work that has to be done, some of which I hate - washing bathroom walls for instance. But along with what must be done there is pleasant tasks, like being out in the garden and sitting on the verandah with Ray in my breaks. I really don't mind shopping as long as we are not rushed and can take it leisurely as there is a social side to it too as we see some of our pleasant friends and acquaintances and stop and say "hello". With a bit of time management we get to have either coffee or lunch out at least once a week. And for me there is computer time and dropping by to visit with you all here.


Last night I spoke to Mum's step-brother in Queensland for the first time in seven years. I rang his ex-wife and he is staying with her for a while as he had an accident on his boat, damaged some muscles and ligaments in his legs and now is staying with her at least while he is convalescing. At this stage although he has had surgery he is still wheel-chair bound. I am glad they are back together, at least for a while as I are quite fond of them both.They are both in their seventies and I know their kids think they are better together than living apart. Us aging parents can be quite a worry to our children - ask mine!


Time to finish this time of reflection as I am invited over to our son and daughter-in-laws for dinner. I'll have my fix of playing with my three grandkids. Nice!



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Sue, you sound so relaxed in this post. It is good you are getting some "Sue" time and I am sure Ray is enjoying his "Ray" time.


It is Spring here, but we had a real Winter blizzard yesterday and everything is covered with snow. So much for global warming. :lol:



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your writing is so pwerful that I can see you are having great time in your break. you should try to take more Sue time.




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It's great everyone is enjoying a well deserved respite. Would be very difficult to be convinced you were a murderess in any light.

Hope you enjoyed your time with the grandchildren as well. Stay warm, well, and dry in all that rain as you prepare for winter.


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Sue, I have always wanted to dow one of those murder mystery things how fun that you got to go. So good to hear the new respite place is working out well. Being able to enjoy the respite is easier when you can know that hubby is being cared for.

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