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Getting Back On The Horse

AZ Leah



Time for another update. I am finally healed from my injured rib (it took a month!) and will have my first work-out in a month with my trainer on Monday :Clap-Hands: . If all goes well, I will head for the pool class on Thursday but will probably not do much more than move around in the water a so as to not overdue. I feel I have taken a step backwards but like they say with horses, if you fall off, get back on. So that is what I intend to do. It would be easier to just say forget it and stay home everyday but my guilt won


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Leah, I do so admire you for your honesty and integrity. I know going back to revisit that time just after your stroke when you were on a knife's edge must have been so hard for you but you stuck with the program and I was happy to see finished with gratitude and thankulness for your recovery. What a great attitude! I know from reading your blogs that like me you have accepotance problms but you always try to be upbeat. Thank you for writing of your experiences, I hope one day you may be able to make them public. I know others would find so much to relate to in what you have experienced.


I'm glad you have been able to get back to chat. I find chatting and blogging very therapeuitc. It is good to know that behind the names are so many great and kind human beings from so many parts of the USA and indeed world wide. As a community we have so much to share, so much to give.


Hope you have a wonderful vacation.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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gotta tell you i enjoy reading your blawg entries quite a lot. you have such i gentle way of sharing about your own experiences. so glad the rib injury is good and the the rider is back in the saddle. sounds like the history writing is doing some good things for your soul. i also enjoy writing and can possibly identify with the healing value of it. please keep on with it, and keep on with your blawg. i look forward to it.


hope you have a great vacation!!!



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Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Leah - Rocky Point - I was there once for a long weekend. A co-worker and I took our daughters down there and it was out of this world. Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Glad you are healing from the rib injury - it's amazing how long it takes for us to regroup and heal after an injury or illness. Before stroke we'd just keep on trucking. Between stroke and age it is frustrating but you are not giving into it - You Go Gal!!!!


I'm sure writing your stroke history will be further healing for you dear.

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I love reading your blogs, your kindness, honesty & positive attitude towards life make your blog very therupetic for us readers too. I can so much identify with your emotions. have a great vacation.


can't wait to read your next blogreport.


tata, adios




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