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little bright eyes



As most of you know my little Mum had a fall on Saturday 13th June and broke her right hip. As her daughter and power of attorney holder I had to make the decision about an operation to pin it. I wanted it done as although she is 90, almost 91, and has severe dementia walking has been her life. She has walked everywhere from a young age and I could not bear to have her laying on a bed dying by inches, not allowed to weight bear.


So late Monday afternoon the orthopedic team operated on her. I went in Tuesday morning and there she lay, pale and listless, I thought she was dying. At lunchtime the nurse asked me to feed her and although she had her eyes shut and seemed asleep the mouth kept opening and she did eat about a quarter of the meal plus a little of the apple pie dessert. I felt relieved, if she had refused food I really would have felt it was the end of her life.


Today when I went in there she was sitting up in a chair, two bright eyes turned toward the door. She has macular degeneration so probably relies on her hearing more than her sight but she was alert, ready to engage, not dull and listless like yesterday. Today she ate all her lunch and licked her lips. She is back in control again.


The nurse asked me to stay for a while until they could put her back into her bed as this morning she had cried out and cowered away from one of the male carers. I know that there was in her background suspected child abuse, physical stuff, but maybe there was more than that too. A lot of the old families kept "secrets", so sad. Anyway with me there making soothing comments they were able to make the transfer. I overheard the wardsman telling one of the nurses: "the daughter was there so it all worked out okay."


I drove over to the hospital, a 40 minute drive, in pouring rain but thanks to those on chat this morning I drove my chariot with the spikes on the wheels and "spiked" all those who rushed past and threw water over my car. Take that....spike. I also wore the new red outfit and matching boots that "Tink" my fairy godmother "whished" for me this morning and took the thoughts and prayers for a safe journey that all who answered my post for prayers have been sending.


Thank you, fellow chatters and lovely supportive friends on this site wherever you are. It has made such a difference to know I have your support. And what would life be without the fun and foolishness and fantastic support that being a part of chat brings? I was speaking to a friend on the phone about it after I got home. I told her about all you wonderful people out there, the friends I may never meet but who mean so much to me. Whatever else there is in this world nothing beats the power of true friendship.


So God bless and keep up the prayers for my little Mum with two bright eyes.


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I'm proud of you. You made the right decision. Your mother is not ready to leave you yet but she has lived a long wonderful life. Bless both of you. jeanniebean[/b]

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You definitely made the right decision in your Mom having the surgery. No one knows the extent of recovery she will make but being able to see your Mom's bright eyes, is a positive and inspirational outcome.

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can you be my power attorney too. you did the right decision. I am keeping you and your mom with bright eyes in my thoughts and prayers for speedy recovery.




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I have been searching the site everyday to see if there was an update. I am so glad she pulled through the surgery oak! I hope the physio gets underway soon so she will be on her way to trucking down the halls once again!


Sorry I couldn't be in chat yesterday to hear the good news!


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I will be praying for her and you take care of yourself too. You still got Ray to look after! You are a wonderful care giver and I am so pleased to know you. You are true inspiration for all other care givers.

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Dear Sue,


What wonderful news about your Mom. I'm so glad everything is coming together with her recovery!!!Aren't the family secrets horrible? I'll keep praying!!


Love you,



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