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Roho cushion



While in the hospital. My son learned of the ROho cushion. He said that since William will be spending alot of time in the wheelchair, I need to make sure that it is comfortable. THe best in comfort is the Roho cushion. I asked the case manager and PT to order a Roho cushion for the wheelchair. I was expecting this upon discharge. A roho cushion is made up of lots of little cells that are filled with air. They have multiple kinds. Check out their web site. This particular cushion will ensure that you do not get any pressure sores on the bottom.(sitting area).

I get home to find a regular cushion and wheelchair. I ask what about the Roho. THey tell me that medicare does not pay for a roho cusion unless the patient has stage 4 ulcers. These are really bad ulcers. I say that I want one before we get any ulcers. Stage one is redness...that is not good enough.

Well, I go online to e-bay and get a new one. I got one that you can adjust where the air is. This is so much better. The cushion that they gave us....was horrible. William was slipping off the cushion and the wheelchair. The other thing...medicare does not pay for our stuff. William's primary insurance is Aetna not medicare.! Instead of fighting the system, I just bought it myself. Anything to prevent pressure sores. I have seen them...they are nasty and can be difficult to heal. The rojo cushion was a miracle. Now, William does not slip off the wheelchair. I have it adjusted so that the butt sits in a lower area and the front part is elevated. Sort of keeps you in the chair. It is much cheaper on e-bay. $200.00 or so... I got a brand new one.

I even sit on the chair when William is not using it. It is comfortable.

They other thing you can do. Is tell the doctor that the person is red on the bottom and needs something else. How many docs will turn a heavy full grown man over to check out his bottom? This is what my son told me. He is right. No doctor every did that. They just took my word. BUt, I had to check the backside for bedsores since the rest of the medical staff did not.



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