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Re-educating the muscles of the leg



Today we had our home therapy intro. I will be working with William at home for a month or so and then reschedule some more PT and OT.

I am told that the following exercises will help to re-educate the leg muscles.

Start the exercises lying down. Next do them sitting up and Finally do them standing up.

Start on the back---supine.

1. Bend left leg (the weak leg). Place it on the bed.

Right leg is straight.

Push the left hip up then over as if starting to turn onto your right side. Do not go onto the right side. Just move as if going that way.

The helper's (me) left hand on the left thigh (to stabilize the weak leg) The helper's right hand is under the

hip(to help initiate the up and over movement).

Repeat this 10 times.

2. Roll onto the Right side then back.

Repeat this 10 times.

3. Lie on the right side. (left leg is on top)

We will be working the hip. Not the hamstring (keep the knee bent to prevent the hamstring from kicking in)

Place a cushion or pillow between the legs to support the upper left leg.

Bring the hip and knee forward.

Helper's right hand holds the left leg. Helper's left hand is on the hip or support under the knee.

Then push back.

Repeat 10 times. Working the hip.

4. Lie on the right side. Weak left side on top.

Support the left knee on a ball or pillow.

Bend the knee and then straighten the knee. Be very careful. Do use the hamstrings...use only the quads.

Start at the the point that you are. Leg slightly bent then slowly increase straightening the leg until you have it completely straight. This takes time.

Keep you thumb on the tendon of the hamstring to relax it.

This is a very small movement. Do not use the hamstring.


5. Straighten the left knee (weak), by pushing back with the left leg. Do this in a wheelchair.

repeat 10 times or as often during the day as you can.

6. In a seated position..Prop the left leg on a stool or small ball. Push the knee down.

The goal is to push down and hold for a count of 5.

If you are able to hold...you are connecting with the brain. The muscle and brain are sending messages. Try to hold.

7. Remember good posture. Head up. shoulders back, pelvis tilt. chest out. All of the sitting and standing exercises are easier if done in perfect posture and not hunched over.

Bring the left leg up then move it to the left. This is a sidways movement. The helper brings the leg back to the starting position.

Bring the left leg up then move it ot the left.

Repeat 10 times.

8. Sit to stand.

Sit then stand. do this throughout the day.

9. While standing. Pick up the left leg then move it to the left.. We are walking sideways.

This is the same as in the chair. Pull the left leg up then move it to the left.


William is exhausted after PT. But this will be our home program .... This is alot of work to re-educate the muscles.


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