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A New Day...Tuesday



Up at 7AM meds and breakfast and brush teeth and bathroom duties. William is tired so he is sleeping until the dental appointment. I went outside and pulled weeds and watered and cut and pruned. I am tired again. I need to clean and get us ready for dentist then I will take us to the pool for swimming.

To be followed by lunch then work for me. I love today. It is so cool. Only supposed to get to 91degrees today. That is fall weather for us here in Houston. It actually feels cool because the humidity is only 54% instead the regular 90+. I keep looking out the window and I notice that it needs to be washed. I keep thinking of the myriad of things that I need to get done today. I can hear the yard workers outside. The grass is getting cut and trimmed. I guess that I should prioritize...Let me start working on that now.


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