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full-time caregiver - ten years today



It is ten years today since I became full- time caregiver to Ray after he had been in hospital for six weeks and rehabilitation unit for three months. We had been on holidays when he had the stroke on 19th April 1999, followed by another on 10th May 1999 so had actually not been home since 8th April. He was so glad to be home but to tell you the truth I was scared stiff!


When he was finally discharged into my care there was still an endless round of appointments to keep up with, visit to physiotherapists, OTs and other rehabilitation specialists to complete and a whole battery of testing left to do. For the first four months after he came home I also had Dad and Mum here, dear Dad for just four month as he died five days after a bad fall. The fall shattered all the bones in his left leg (he had bone cancer) and he died on 2nd January 2000.


I kept Mum living with us; she was lost without Dad and her Alzheimer


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Sue, your blogs have given me an appreciation of all that caregivers do. I know that should I ever become a caregiver, there is a lot I already will understand due to your information.


Thank you.

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Only someone with a strong faith could do what you have done for the past 10 years, and your faith shines through in all of your blogs, It has been a real pleasure getting to know you. I hope you know how much you are loved by those here on Strokenet.



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You are the blessing dear lady. Ten years is a long time - your love for Ray, your faith and your dedication towards your marriage vows have gotten you to where you are today. God Bless you for all you do and who you are.


There needs to be declared a caregiver's day in your honor.

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Dear Sue,

You are a blessing. Your blogs and posts have been very informative. As I am relatively new at this caregiver job. 9 months for me. I applaud you on the job that you do. I know that it is not easy. I want to thank you for sharing your wealth of information.



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Happy Anniversary Sue:

Yes it is worth celebrating - your love, devotion, and commitment to Ray is the reason he is still here. You have helped so many of us caregivers with your comments, suggestions, advice and your experiences - I feel as if I am not alone. Know that we are celebrating with you.



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Hi Sue,


Truly admirable.....i commend you for your strength of spirit.

happy anniversary! :thumbup:




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Hi Sue,


After 10 years plus as a caregiver I can relate to some of the things you and Ray have to deal with. I would take my hat off to you but am not wearing one as I type so will have to do so symbolically. Hang in there as you have and good luck to you both.



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