my shrink
so i went to see her yesterday for the first time in a long time she had some kind of emergency, with she never elaberated on??"personal crisis" any way?,it's funny she's so into kepping THAT line of seperaion,but calls me at home from her home& is mortifyed that i have caller i.d on my system& now have her personal phone number,after 5 min. of reasuring her i have no plains on EVER calling her at home for any reason& as soon as i figure out how to earase the number i will anyway she brings up the subject of why? i'm i still comming here?,now wantting to be gracous&apreashitive(i wanted yto stop seeing her months ago!) the only real reason is that i'll have somewere to go every2 weeks really,so now i have 2weeksto come up with an anser,pretty sure i'm gonna stop,it's costing the state x-amount of dollars& i really don't see the point?after 3 years i found out she has childern& i feel after 3 years she has no insight on me whatsoever(nothing i didn't already know) when i first sarted seeing her she had a lot to work with,dealing with the harsh realitys of post stroke(howi'm i gonna make end meats) i was not wanted in the place i was living) the one constent was leaving i have to re-route my whole lfe& deal with gov. agenceyswhile sifting though the confuion of post stroke,so confuionvs.engsity= one messed up sam,in the end i always felt pyhcatry was quckery now that i've done it i can say it with convicion[quack,quack-quack!,i'm typing this trying to think of some thing positive to say to her& i can't......oh dear i've got two weeks to think of something to let her down easy,[quack,quack-quack! blog
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