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Good times



Hello all..

Long time no write...

I feel incredibly lucky that I am keep transitioning. I get feelings of intense pain on my affected side and then, a few days later, I can feel those portions of my body a bit better than before.

I have also become quite good at walking and can now jog a bit! Most of my new acquaintances have no idea I ever had a stroke!


I still get tired, exhausted and all that, but I can never let it affect my spirit.

I have been playing with my new son, going to concerts with my beloved wife and basically spending time with my family and friends.


Strokes are awful, no doubt, but I am using mine to take stock and appreciate the things I do have. We only get one life, better make the most of it, regardless of what obstacles stand in our way.


Hope all are well...


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hey jetjagur:


you nailed it, with that attitude I am sure life will be great for you even with stroke, it's just little different now. I hope you share pictures of your son with us.




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You know, I just got my pain level reduced to zero with the help of doctors who had me to think differently and reduced my intake of pain meds. So far I am coping well. Not walking or jogging but being without pain is my constellation for the moment!!


I'm so happy for you that improvement is yours to savor!

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That's great news...

I am not on any meds as my reaction to them is adverse to say the least!

I get extreme pins and needles, to where I actually could believe there ARE pins and needles going into my skin!


If you don't mind, what thinking exercises helped?

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great news, sounds like you have your priorities like they should be. I hope you keep getting better and better. Love your wife and baby..... Life is good.

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This is wonderful news! We would love to see pics of your new son.


Life is good...that is great for both you and your family.

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Life is great. Yes, a stroke will certainly help one to get their priorities in order. You certainly have. I am so glad to hear that you are enjoying your wife and child.

There is life after stroke. Thank you for sharing.


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