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Lessons I've Learned

AZ Leah


When I was in rehab for my stroke I was determined to give it my all to exercise in order to come back from the disabilities as much as possible. How did I know that over 3 years later I would develop other problems which have taken away from the time I devoted to exercise? I have had to add 2 doctors and a dentist to my schedule to deal with anxiety issues and TMJ (short definition is a jaw joint disorder which has caused me a lot of jaw pain, like a bad toothache which won


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It is so good to see you posting. Even if your next post isn't 100% positive, the fact of the matter is that you are trying and taking one step at a time. You have to give yourself credit for recognizing you do want to improve and that you have a plan of action.


I am here to cheer you on...please keep us posted.


Stephanie (Stessie)

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It is so good to see you posting. Even if your next post isn't 100% positive, the fact of the matter is that you are trying and taking one step at a time. You have to give yourself credit for recognizing you do want to improve and that you have a plan of action.


I am here to cheer you on...please keep us posted.


Stephanie (Stessie)



Stephanie: With surgery tomorrow (Oct. 9) you still took the time to reply to my blog post. Bless your heart. I posted to your topic and will keep you in my prayers each day



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Leah, from a non-stroker I can tell you that stress and anxiety is a big part of my life too. I too suffer from unreal expectatons and think I can do much more than I can. I still try to do what I used to do at 42 at 62, silly me.


I can understand what you go through when you go away as I think Ray does too. The good thing is that he blames me not himself so he doesn't have stress, I am glad of that as I would say that is what caused his first stroke.


Ray also has the startling effect of loud noise too, for him it is a processing issue as he is often confused by two things happening at once, like the kettle boiling just as the rain starts. He can handle things one at a time.


Hope that it all works out for you now.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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I think that the expectations are what hinder our enjoyment of the moment. I want to travel with william, but, I am afraid of the things that you shared. Too much anxiety of time constraints and being out of our comfort zone. I can operate well at home. I don't feel that I would enjoy myself because of the stress and anxiety at this time. I so love to spend the day at home and relax.

Take care of yourself. Thank you for sharing.


There is such a fine line between pushing yourself too much and not enough.

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expectation brings on unhappiness. I realized if I look forward tob some event & if does not go my way I crash land so slowly I am learning to do my best & leave rest on God don't keep any expectaction on anyone including myself.


I hope you feel better & just flow with life rather than fighting against current. tomorrow will be better day.




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very well expressed.

100% real. and that matters.... :signthankspin:


In Friendship



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I want to say thank you for all of your comments and support. My fellow survivors are the only ones who truly understand us. We can thank Steve for starting the strokeboard network and the many volunteers who have kept it running through the years. God works through others.

We are ALL survivors, your friend Leah

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