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Celebrating The Small Things



Ok...am new to this blogging thing, but thought I'd give it a try since there are so many thoughts rambling through my mind. I bought a new prelit Christmas tree. It sat in the box in the middle of the living room for about 5 days. My husband is a farmer...our crops are out, but he is helping someone else get thier's out. Well, I knew that the only way the tree was going to go up was if I did it myself. I walked around that box several times a day thinking...I wish I could do this myself...but, also thinking that I couldn't. Finally, I said to myself you're not gonna know unless you try...so try I did. Getting the scissors to cut through the tape on the box, I tackled the project. That went well. Getting the 3 sections of the tree out...athough harder with only one hand, went well. Now to tackle the bubble wrap , wrapped tightly around each section. I tried to pull the tape off, but it wasn't co-operating, so I reached for the scissors. I did say it was wrapped tightly? Well the damn tree being round...kept wanting to move on me, so I had to straddle it..to hold it and cut through the bubble wrap. As I was cutting through the bubble wrap...I was cutting through the tree needles and trying very hard to avoid cutting the lights. After what seemed like a very long time, I finally managed to get all three unwrapped. Now to put the three sections together. I could lift them with one hand, but trying to get them into the hole to connect them was hard... not to mention the tree stand. After about 2 hours I managed to get it up. Then it took some time to get the sections turned around to hide the parts where I had cut the needles. Plugged it in, lights work...all is merry and bright! Now someone else can decorate it!

It's so amazing how the things I used to do so easily, now seem almost impossible. We take so much for granted. Notice I said 'almost' impossible? NOTHING is impossible. I wouldn't have the tree up...if I hadn't tried. I wouldn't be able to move my fingers, if I hadn't tried...or be able to finally button my pants without having to ask another woman in a public restroom for help...or open the door and yell for my hubby. Each time I have accomplished the smallest feat, I raise my hands up to the heavens and praise God for His help. But mostly, I thank Him for his great sacrifice.. for His love, forgiveness, grace and mercy. I can do nothing, without Him who sustains me. That doesn't mean I don't get angry, or question Him, or bargain with Him..but I will never doubt Him. I prayed every night for Him to give me patience with my grandchildren. I babysat them everyday for anywhere from 9 to 12 hours, and at 5, 3, 2 and an infant..they would try the patience of a saint! God answered my prayers..and sent me a stroke. Talk about learning patience! I have never said'Why me'? My own answer to that is...why not me? I am no different or better than anyone else. I sometimes try to analyze it....was it to teach me patience...to slow me down..to tell me to quit being such a perfectionist, to let me know that I was not the one in control? Or was it to tell my family to quit taking me for granted and to not rely on me for everything? Whatever the reason...it is, what it is. In the mean time, I will continue to celebrate the small things.


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hey Rosemay:

wecome to wonderful world of blogging. you are good what took me few years to reach the stage you are at. congrats you nailed it. I am sure you will be amazing survivor. Congratulations on putting chirstmas tree up. with one hand and positive attitude you can do almost everything.






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Thank-you, Asha. The hand doesn't work, but the brain is sometimes on overload. I figure that I should use what I can, when I can. We are all on the same journey and it makes it easier to know that I am not on this journey, alone...thanks to you and everyone at StrokeNet. I really would prefer the journey alone, though, and have all of you well, again. God willing...someday.

Love, Rosemary






[quote name='achandra' date='Dec 16 2009, 11:18 AM'

hey Rosemay:

wecome to wonderful world of blogging. you are good what took me few years to reach the stage you are at. congrats you nailed it. I am sure you will be amazing survivor. Congratulations on putting chirstmas tree up. with one hand and positive attitude you can do almost everything.






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The old saying is, "it's the small things that counts the most. Great job! Now you've even written a blog, there is no limit to what you can/will do.


I read your first Humor post too, hope you get to read the ones I have posted.

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This was a great first blog getting your intermost thoughts out. It is challenging after a stroke but there are different ways to do things (although not always the easiest). My grandson is 18 months and thinks it is funny when "Gi" crawls around on the floor trying to get up after we have been playing. He doesn't know any different and I think he still thinks I am somewhat playing. I sometimes have to crawl to pieces of furniture to get up.


WoW! You did have your hands full with four grandchildren and long hours. It can definitely wear you out.


We are on this journey with you and I'm so happy you blogged.

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Hi Fred,

Thank-you! Yes, I read your posts. All very funny. We need to laugh, it's good for the soul and helps us to forget all the sadness for a short time. Hope you have a good week.





[quote name='fking' date='Dec 16 2009, 04:16 Pm



The old saying is, "it's the small things that counts the most. Great job! Now you've even written a blog, there is no limit to what you can/will do.


I read your first Humor post too, hope you get to read the ones I have posted.


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Thank-you, Stessie.

I also crawl around on the floor with the grandkids. My PT. said it was great therapy....a fun way to get some excercise in. I think the grandkids will be detrimental in my recovery. I even changed the little one's diaper. It wasn't to neat, but good enough to hold his daily doodles. They always ask if I can feel my hand yet. They only live 2 miles from me, so that's a blessing...I get to see them almost every day. In fact, I had them tonight from 4:00 till 10:00. Parents had grocery and Christmas shopping to do. The 2 oldest girls are spending the night and will ride the bus from here to school in the morning. They really like that, because they live in town and don't get to ride a bus. They live 3 blocks from the school, so they walk. In fact, I believe I just heard the oldest one...so I'd better go check. She doesn't like to sleep, much... it's 11:30, and she needs to be up at 6:30. She'll be a grumpy one in the morning! Take care, and again...Thank-you.







This was a great first blog getting your intermost thoughts out. It is challenging after a stroke but there are different ways to do things (although not always the easiest). My grandson is 18 months and thinks it is funny when "Gi" crawls around on the floor trying to get up after we have been playing. He doesn't know any different and I think he still thinks I am somewhat playing. I sometimes have to crawl to pieces of furniture to get up.


WoW! You did have your hands full with four grandchildren and long hours. It can definitely wear you out.


We are on this journey with you and I'm so happy you blogged.


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Thank-you, Jeannie. I am happy to report..it is decorated! I left the easy and fun part to the grandchildren. Just glad I finally bought a pre-lit one!I never gad a good time with the lights pre stroke..so this is much better! May you and yours enjoy a blessed Holiday season.






Good job Rosemary blogging and tackling the Xmas tree. If you don't get decoration on it that is ok.



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