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My blog test



Hello everyone


Welcome to 2010. I have two reasons for this blog post.


1. I was reading on the forum that there was a problem with posting to blogs. Something to do with the date. So, I decided to put up a post as a test.


2. I referred someone to this site today. Her name is Nancy Stretch. Nancy lives here in P.E.I. and has a sister in the Chicago area who had a stroke in July of 09. Her sister has Right side paralysis and a form of aphasia.


So if you notice Nancy and/or her sister on the site please make them feel at home.


The stroke experience is all new to both Nancy's sister and her family in Chicago as well as Nancy and her family here in Canada.


Thank you all in advance.


Smiles :)




ps Kyle is doing awesome with his recovery. Darlene (his mom) can hardly keep up with him on that new snow machine he is driving this winter. Go Kyle Go!


pps Our second book has now been published "Prince Edward Island Tales 2nd Ed". It is available on Amazon along with the 1st Edition of "Prince Edward Island Tales". We are now writing content for our third book "More Prince Edward Island Tales" to be published in the spring of 2010.


ppps No, Blog still not working. I will post this as of Dec 31, 2009 and see what happens. Interesting it posted as Jan 01, 2010. Actual date is 1 a.m AST 17th of January 2010.


pppps Reposted my entry as per posted instructions and by golly,it worked! Thanks!




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