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recovery from stroke or inch worm



hi there as you know i have experiance a stroke, and it has been about 8 years going on 9 yearsm the reason that i am telling you this is so that i can demostrate how slow recovery really is , but it does happen, and i know that i will have the room to tell you this as oppose to a post, anyway day one march 19th 2001 major change in my life went to the hospital came home , in a wheel chair, and having difficulties bathing myself and dressing my self foot would not cooperate so fi find that it is easier for me just to sleep with my shoes on, after many agonizing soent wondering what am i going to do now, i use to be a cook before my stroke now i am lucky just to be able to feed myself so my caregiver would cut the food that i am going to be eating, how humiliated is this , i use to be a marothon runner i have run two marathon, now i have to be push in a wheel chair if i want to go any ehere, how humiliated is this?the only thing that i have going for me is the fact that i am right hanbded and i had a left side stroke, and then i started to think hey thats not to bad at least i can do what i always could do as long as i did it with my right handed and then comes the time that i dreaded, time to take a shower so i had grabrails installed in my house and i had a large shower installed and i put a bench on the floor to sit and then i installed a shower handle that will just hang there so i could hold it with my right hand while i shower my self and hey i did it and then comes the disfficuty dressing my self and not wearing my shoes to bed and being able to put my shoes back on wow!a land mark i learn how to shower i am learning how to fress my self and i did it now for my next goal learning how to walk so i thought well i love to run, so i will just try to walk not run, and not far only about 1 kilometer, but i did it it was so hard for me but with doing it every day day in and day out it was getting easy, and it was then that i decided to try it with out a cane wow!can you believe it a guy who couldn"t dress himself was hauled all over the place in a wheel chair was actually thinking about going for a walk, WITHOUTa cane wow!its not that humiliated now, and i did start to notice little things like when i sit down, or stand up i am staeting to do it straighter up and straighter down, i seem to remember having to struggling to get up or sit down, but not so munch now, and hey it just dawned on me my left foot doesn"t turn in so munch like it use to and i don"t have to wear a brace to keep it from turning over , and then i am thinking hum i guess i am getting better but boy is it slow like an inch worm, and then i was ask if i would like to be a stroke mentor, they tol;d me that i would have to go to class to learn how to do it and to get it right so i did that and i graduated in order to be a stroke mentor me at 50 years old imagine that hey i am not doing to bad after all and now i got my first stroke survicer to actully be a manto and so we went out and just talk about life have a cup of coffie go for walk and just talk about how we feel and then he would staart to ask me questions about what i did to overcome that so i would tell him and before you know it we wre walking alot more than a kilometer and just not really thinking about munch and then i started torealize that hey only like 5 years i was in a wheel chair was sleeping with my shoes on because i couldn"t get my shoes back on now i am dressing and i don"t even think about it and getting quicker, not that it is importantjust to let you know that i am getting better, and yes i have been working very hard but it is worth it i have a great cargiver a wonderful wife and 2 fantastic kids, and 1 grandson, and finally i am thinking yes life did throw me a bid curve, and no i didn"t like that at all but i o have one thing to say about recovery from a stroke, it does happen it can happen but unfortunitly not as fast as you would like it to be , the struggles there are many , but it is actually a nice feeling because what i have learned from being a stroke surviver is don"t be hard on yourself just do the best that you can , and i am sure that if you look at what you once were you will find that you to have vome a long way and you have only just begun , and this is my journey and i am sure that you will have other stories of your own, i like to think it is like peeling an onion on your recovery , i just wish that i copuld wave a majic wand and make it all better for you, but i can"t you will have to make this journey on your own, and day by day month by month year bt year you will finf that it all adds up and then it won"t be that humiliated oir that bad i am writing this to let you know that we are all struguling and that you are not alone it just takes so long that you forgot hust how far you have come .


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:congrats: What a beautiful post in your Blog Lenny. I so enjoyed reading it and I could relate to a lot of what you shared. :signthankspin: :thumbup:


We are so blessed that you are our Ambassador. You are such a good role model for everyone here. Keep up the good work that you do.


Hope is always there....


Hugs, Jan :friends: :beer:

Believe in Miracles and SOAR

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I appreciate your sharing your journey. Yes this journey of stroke recovery is alot slower than I could have every imagined. William, my husband , is now 14 months almost 15 months post stroke and still in a wheelchair. He is still very tired but he is working hard. Yes the humiliation part is hard. But, I have hope because of your story and others that he will walk again. Slowly, but at least walk.



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I appreciate your sharing your journey. Yes this journey of stroke recovery is alot slower than I could have every imagined. William, my husband , is now 14 months almost 15 months post stroke and still in a wheelchair. He is still very tired but he is working hard. Yes the humiliation part is hard. But, I have hope because of your story and others that he will walk again. Slowly, but at least walk.



oh ruth i hope to and that is why i wrote it so that as a stroke surviver that you never give up hope to walk again because i find that if you have alot of hopewhich you shoul it will make your journey a whole lot easy, and ruth thank you for the comment , and i wish all the best to william with alot of hope ,


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thanks for sharing your wonderful journey with us it felt like I am reading my own journey. best part of this site is I never feel alone anymore. you should be proud of all your achiements. I know I am. I am proud to be survivor. I know my stroke has made me better person, mom & wife not a bad trade off afterall.




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thanks for sharing your wonderful journey with us it felt like I am reading my own journey. best part of this site is I never feel alone anymore. you should be proud of all your achiements. I know I am. I am proud to be survivor. I know my stroke has made me better person, mom & wife not a bad trade off afterall.



hi ashaand you are absolutly right about this site, iyou always feel like you are not alone anymore, and here you always have a friend, and yes i am proud of my achievments, and yes i did work hard, as i am sure we all do, and i think that being here at stroke net and being able towork here as a volenteer has certainly help inon my journey i have ment some wonderful people here at dtroke net and you have a wonderful day asha , and thank you for the lovely comment


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Lenny: this blog made my day. Bruce had decided three weeks ago that some changes were to be made and quite frankly, I did not agree, but It's his life as I have learned from all of you. The strides he has gained in the past few weeks are incredible - some very small and one large, he can get out of bed himself. This recovery is a long, slow process but your outlook has helped tremendously. Thank you. Debbie

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Lenny, Thank you for sharing your recovery journey. You have taken your

lemon and mad lemon aid. :congrats:


thank you jeanniebean, for your wonderful comment, and you have a wonderful time on your birthday , jeanniebean, go out and celibrate, you deserve it, and happy birthday jeanniebean,


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Lenny: this blog made my day. Bruce had decided three weeks ago that some changes were to be made and quite frankly, I did not agree, but It's his life as I have learned from all of you. The strides he has gained in the past few weeks are incredible - some very small and one large, he can get out of bed himself. This recovery is a long, slow process but your outlook has helped tremendously. Thank you. Debbie
well debbie i am glad to hear that bruce is doing so well , and yes it is slow debbie, just keep on doing what you are doing bruce and never lose hope bruce because thope will help you go far and havin hope will help you to deal with the slow process of recovery fronm a stroke , and thank you very munch for your comment about my blog you have made my day


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oh paddy thank you very munch for the very nice comment on my blog and i am glad that you find it to be very inspiration to you i hope that all of the members feels like that as well, because i just find that it is so slow that you forgot just how munch gains have been made, so i thought that i would just blog to let you know that it does come so not to give up, and thank you for the very nice words on my comment .keep up the great work patty, and don"t ever give up give your brain a chance to rewire itself


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Lenny, Thankyou for sharing, My journey has been much like yours and you are an inspiration for us sometimes weary soldiers. Keep up the good work! :thankyou:

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Lenny, Thankyou for sharing, My journey has been much like yours and you are an inspiration for us sometimes weary soldiers. Keep up the good work! :thankyou:
thank you elenor1 for your kind comments and yes you see thats a good thing that your journey is munch like mine because that means that it is coming, but it is very slow elenor1 and elinor i am sure that you know that if i could raise that majic wand to fix it all and to elliminate stroke i would so like me you will continue on your journey and good luck elinor 1 i wish you nothing but the best


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Ah Lenny our Ambassador and our hero.... do you know all you do to keep us up Your the greatest Lenny and I guess we never tell you how great you are .....So today is your day Lenny instead of you telling us how great and brave we are we salute you for all you have done for all of us! :friends: :forgive_me?: :big_grin: :You-Rock: :thumbs up: :cheer: :congrats: :signthankspin:

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Ah Lenny our Ambassador and our hero.... do you know all you do to keep us up Your the greatest Lenny and I guess we never tell you how great you are .....So today is your day Lenny instead of you telling us how great and brave we are we salute you for all you have done for all of us! :friends: :forgive_me?: :big_grin: :You-Rock: :thumbs up: :cheer: :congrats: :signthankspin:oh host karen, thank you for that very kind comment, and just so you know working at stroke net as ambasador is very easy to do wwhen you have such a great bunch of members, you would not believe how grateful i am to dtrokenet to let me work with the members karen, and i do hope that your doctor get your dosage working for you i do"not like to think as host karen hin pain, when i read your post about having a problem with your dosage that you take for pain , i hope that you get it straiten out , please let us know how it goes karen, and again thank you karen for being such a good person and whyou make what i do for the people at stroke net easy keep up the great work that you do, and just to let you know i may see you in the chat room as i have just been made chat host , so thank you karen, and get your problem fixed please ,


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I've been sad thinking that no one understands what I'm going through. Until I stumbled upon this web site. The nurses at the assisted living where I now live have told me that I've come a long way in a short time. I'm just impatient and want things to return to "normal" NOW. not later. I was in a wheelchair when I moved here 3 months ago and now I walk on my own. I can now dress and undress myself which I also couldn't do when I arrived. I just have trouble with balance and my left side is numb and weak. Could I be lying to myself that I'm not recovering? I just read the posts and feel inspired.

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hi and yes thats what we are hoping for and as you know every little bit helps and i hope that you do get inspired because thats what i want most for you is to beat this stroke and it sounds like you are doing quite well just remember you are not alone in your struggle and what ever you do don"t give up

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Hey Lenny

Thank you for sharing your story, its giving me hope that I will recover albeit slowly. I'm just 6 months post stroke, though you could say I am now functional, I can walk with a cane and ankle brace, I still need help in the shower but I can dress myself, I can eat alone, but there are other things I wish I could do with ease, but I can't use my left arm yet, because I have pains from the shoulder,but reading your story, there is hope of full recovery, thank you for the inspiration.I'm never giving up nor giving in, I have a lot to live for, I have my kids and a wonderful husband and a mom and sisters who went out of their way to care for me when I needed them most! Life is good.


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