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Well, that time of year is here and I think this summer will be like the coldest winter with snow many states had in a long time. The heat will be excessive for a few weeks and the warnings are out on each TV channel about staying cool and hydrated.


Watch out for the elderly too, check on them you know of who's kids may be out of state and they really have no one to see after them. I've cot a couple elderly neighbors who are here taking care of grand kids while the military parents are serving overseas in the war.


A few of the electric companies have announces they WILL NOT cut off power to those folks, some requiring power to run equipment they need to stay alive. I was so glad to hear that announcement!


Also check on your pets making sure they got coverage, shade, water and food. My next door neighbor is putting ice cubes in his dog's water bowl many times a day! So, I pray we all make it through this heated summer while it set records for heat this year.


If nothing else, go to the mall or walmart to stay cool. Don't sit there with a window fan trying to stay cool enough, if nothing else go to a neighbor's house if you don't have a/c! Don't kill yourself, there are too many ways to stay cool in this heat wave!


Don't be hard headed, heed the heat warnings you all! :BashHead: :Beer-Chug: :Nodding: :kicking: :oops: it's HOT!


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yes, it is indeed hot here in Houston.

Good idea to stay cool and hydrated.




I hope that your therapy is coming along well.



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My therapy is progressing as it comes to an end 15 July. Not sure if there will be more after that this year! I am walking without the cane a little slowly. It was progress and more than I've ever had in a therapy session in 6 years.


I stay cool, my A/C is on 90 in the daytime when I'm not home! I go to walmart and the supermarkets to stay cool. It works out great, I eat free from all the samples they put out and they give out free bottles of water from the different vendors wanting you to buy their products! They have people all around the store giving out samples of many products. So, on my scooter, it's a blast in the cool store!!


Then I go to the walmart I worked at and they feed me in the break room with all the stuff they are giving away to the associates...They still consider me their best worker and greeter!


Then off to the mall and the big stores, Sears, Bealls, Penney's and others. I go in Radio Shack and talk them out of stuff I'll try out for them!


I'm having a blast this summer, wish I had thought of it last year!!!! I eat so much free watermellon I don't need much water.

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