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Just doing it.



well, this sure is pretty amazing. Nice to see so many people who go through a lot of the same things. My fiancee` had his stroke last Monday, August 9th. We woke up, and he couldn't speak well and his right arm and leg were not co-operating. When we discovered only half his face could smile, i knew it was time we get to the hospital. I am a nurse on the local medical unit, so I am glad I knew what was happening. but, on the other hand, we are both really struggling. I am only 26, and he is only 36. We are quite young, and it seemed like everything in our life was just coming together. our wedding is 5 weeks away, we just bought our first house in April, he was getting ready to start up his own service unit as a heavy duty mechanic, and everythign has since felt like it is crashign down around us, and neither of us know why. but, we do know we need some support. Him as the victim, and me as the family member/caregiver. We are scared, confused, frustrated, probably a little angry as well. anyone with postiive advice would help a lot. thanks!!!


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