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My wife won't b e comming here



My wife just told me she won't come here to post how I'm doing while I'm in the hospital. Sorry about that. I will just have to find a way to get the word out to you some other way!! Maybe I can call one of you while in the hospital.







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Bruce, we will be thinking of you. Would one of your kids or one of your friends post the message for you? Or maybe you could borrow a laptop and post from the hospital? Most hospitals have a way of giving you access to the Internet


If not ringing someone on here who is close by and getting them to post would be the next best thing.



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Bruce, please dont worry about it. It would have been nice to get news faster but if it is not to be... We will still be with you in our thoughts and prayers. I wish you an unventful recovery from your surgery and hoping you will be well soon to give us news yourself. Good luck my friend. Until we hear from you, all the best to you,



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don't worry about it. I will send you my phone number offline or uou send me yours whichever is convienant & easier for you. your wife can call me anytime before 10PM or I can call her to find out about you, whatever works good for you guys. I will update other members as soon as I find out from your family.




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(((((Many hugs to you))))) Don't worry about that. We'll just keep you in our thoughts and prayers for your speedy recovery. You're a great friend. :happydance: I wish you the very, very best.

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Again, don't worry 'bout it, that's small stuff, we got you in our prayers and thoughts daily!


My wife made the same comments about me being on here, "She ain't posting for me or about me." But, I figure if the members don't see me post in a couple days, they know something is wrong!


My cell number is sorta spread around so somebody will call and get the news!

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