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and yet we just turn another page in in life



well i have foundthat in our journey of recovery we are not the only ones that are taking a trip, no we are taking a journey all of us togeter as one among with my caregiver and my wife and of coarse my family and it would seem that i am not the only journey that i will have to make the reason that i am writing this blog is to let you know that my wifes mother my mother in law, she is 83 has just went into assited living so now it would seem that as life goes on so does change happen some for the good on my journey of recovery but alas som is not so good my mother in law upon realizing, that she is to old to be as dependany as she would like to be so alas another page in life my mother in law has learn to accept it but of coarse it is very hard for my cargivers my wife as she is very sad that her mother is struggling to be as independant as possible and so now i am tring to console my caregiver and my wife about her mother, so now more than ever i have been a very good help to my wife in dealing eith an aging mother who is very good with a very good heart but now i have foundthat i am less of a husbund who is tring to recovery from a stroke and more of a caring and support ing husbund to my wife who i love dearly. and would do most anything for her if i could so now it is a new life for me and a new beginning i have change roles it would seem from a stroke surviver to a loving husband who as i am still recovering but now i am just a husband who cares about my wife and my mother in law we can now forge ahead as a couple knowing that i am for her and we are together and i guess thats what a marriege is suppose to be now i still need support nut i am very happy to say that i am now giving my support to my wife, and i just wanted all to know that as life goes on it will change and how you respond to change i guess is part of recovery i know that i do think alot about that and i do think very clearly so that in itself is a good start , so now as i go on i will simply turn another page in my recovery


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Lenny, you are so right. As we go through life we have to accept that there are changes and deal with them. In order to do so we also need to change roles.


I am glad you feel that you can now put some of your needs as a survivor aside and allow your caregiver wiife the extra time to see to her mother's needs. :You-Rock:


I wish my husband could have realised how I needed the extra time to visit my mother in her nursing home, as it is I have had to use what should be free time to do that. Everyone is different though with different needs so we have to take that into account.



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I understand what you said Lenny and it's great you are in a position to allow your wife to care for her mom as she has for you.


My wife's mom has been here for two weeks with us and I been the care giver for her while my wife works every day at the bank. I take her to dialysis 3 days a week, fix her breakfast, give her the pills and keep her comfortable during the day.


She is 84 with dementia, my first chance to see it up close. Now I know what that must be like. She is confused big time. I point her to the bathroom she goes to the laundry room. During the night she goes out the door to the garage but the alarm goes off, so we can stop her.


She goes back to New Orleans tonight. I guess I know a little about being a care giver too!

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Lenny, it is so good of you to put your needs aside to concentrate on your wife and your mother'in'law. I hope you felt good in your heart, becuase as your have been blessed with good people, so now they are blessed with you. Good for you. Best to you and your family. This is a tough transition and your wife needs all the support she can get. Debbie

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Lenny you have a kind heart. I cant add to what was already said. Your wife is lucky to have you. Yes, thats life. We have to roll with the punches and accept the changes it brings. Good for you Lenny.



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Lenny you have a kind heart. I cant add to what was already said. Your wife is lucky to have you. Yes, thats life. We have to roll with the punches and accept the changes it brings. Good for you Lenny.thak you marie for the very kind reply, and yes you are right as life goes on we do have to accept any change whatever it is all the best to you marie clair



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