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in dyer need of stroke support



we are a very young newly wed couple and we need all the help we can get. matt had his stroke on June 6, 2010---ever since that date it has been almost all down hill. we have no info on hemorrhagic stroke recovery/length and we have no funds. Jessica (wife) is needing a support group to help understand her overwhelming emotions.

Matt:my not so humorous line i always say to my wife jess is that i just want to be able to do jumping jacks. How do I get physically better - we have NO physical therapy (it is all paid 4 out of pocket) am I ever going to lift up my one year old son? or surf? or even walk or work? these are just a few of my thoughts and questions ... anyone who would be willing to answer me - it will be greatly appreciated.


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Jess and Matt: Welcome, you are among friends here with a wealth of knowledge. You need to go to the Stroke Message Board and post under Young Stroke Survivor, just what you said here. The Administrators will send you things to read to get you started. Recovery is a long, hard road but you have your youth and determination to recover.


Matt: start exercising in that WC. Do reverse sit ups: head to knees, march in place. Kick. Then with Jess to spot you, lock your WC in front of a kitchen counter and stand, balance, sit and do as many repetitions as you can using the counter to balance. Rock forward (decide on a count with Jess so you are on the same page and don't knock heads-Bruce does three) to get momentum to stand. As this becomes comfortable, while balancing, shift your weight side to side and hold. The whole idea of this is to get that weak side listening to the brain (it has to reroute) and strengthening. Do your jumping jacks in the WC: hands straight out, bring to top of head and then back down. Legs out to side and bring together.


Jess: get the family finances under control: what do you need to live monthly and that includes factoring in the stuff you maybe pay only bi-annually or annually. Start cutting corners: no more deluxe cable, you must get basic, the cheapest cell phones you can find, we use pay as you go. Take Matt off car insurance=strokes are reported to DMV and he will have to retest in order to drive. This will take a while, so get the savings now. Matt can cut coupons and organize grocery lists for optimum savings and this is a great exercise for his brain and his hands. You are trying to free up some funds so maybe Matt can use the local YMCA with a trainer at a reasonable cost.


You should have had much more help with this. It is a nightmare, your entire lives just changed. But with the help and advice of all these wonderful people, they will get you through it. Post on the Message Board under specific areas you want addressed. Click on the topics and you will get the history of those posts and there is some wonderful information there. Spend some time going through those topics and keep posting. We are here to help. Debbie, caregiver to Bruce, Stroke March 2009 (ages 59 and 60)

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hi Jessy & Matt:


welcome to wonderful world of blogging. Debby gave great suggestions. I stroked at age 34 which left me paralysed on my left side and retired me from the job I loved. I never thought I could find happiness again but I did. Now after 6 years I can look back at that incident as God's way of stopping me from doing biggest blunder of my life. I realized hard way at the end of the day for me my hubby & my son are the most important people in the world & not my job. Though I went through severe depression in the begining & antidepressant pills helped big time in the begining, but slowly I weaned myself off them. Life will be joyful again, it will be just little different still joyful though, but you both will have to work towards that goal together. Today I can walk, drive & take care of my family single handedly(literally!). As I mentioned it before ask Matt to regularly blog & also start writing gratitude journal every day start with just 5 points. you will see huge positive difference in your life and attitude towards this bump in your journey.


Asha (Now 41 year old survivor)

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Am I correct to read that both of you had a stroke??? Now from my experience therapy is the key that unlocks the future of living after a stroke. Even doing what you can do at home, a YMCA, a pool, a gym or someplace you can use without much cost.


Then there are trainers at some gyms that will help you for a small fee. Other than that most therapies charge, normally paid for by insurances. I bought a medical ball from Walmart, same kind they use in therapy. I got an exercise bike from the VETERANS ADMINISTRATION (VA)and a hospital I use like a bench to do exercises on.


Recovery is long and hard beside being expensive but if you have the will to recover, you can do it slowly! Now if you go into chat you can talk with many new members in your age group. I think on Sunday nights. That's all I can think of for now! I wish you the best in recovery. I'm on 7 years next month!

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HI Jesssica and Matt


I am ken 1950 had 4 ischnic strokes and heart surg. in last 2 years lost my prof. of 40 years but i know GOD is with me you will have a lot to learn and deal with first dec 12 8 pm est newbie chat is open to talk to people and find some was to look for help ynca is great i will be starting in Jan to wok on left side wakness and sencory loss all i can say the people here will listen give advise point you in right direction but you have to be proactive keep all your records ask a lot of questions of the med. people you see they do not have all the answers all the time but if pressed they have ways to help you also if you are of the mind look to your own higher being be christ allia buddah or who ever it does help me pehaps it will you I hope to talk with you both soon do not forget there is support for us who have had the stroke and those of you who have to put up with us the intewrnet is full of info. surf look then ask my e mai is karenandken@mebtel.net if you want to talk to me or my wife Karen you are prob. or kids ages as we have grand kids 18 and 19 may god bless and may you find the new path of life you are to walk ken 1950

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