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Five demands for stroke action - UK



If only some group in the US actually was interested in the survivors here. :Tantrum: :2cents:


Five demands for action: The Stroke Survivor's view

In the summer of 2007, the Department of Health undertook a public consultation on the first ever National Stroke Strategy for England.

During this period The Stroke Association encouraged stroke survivors and carers to respond, and then collated over 500 individual and collective submissions. This response was overwhelming, and the depth of feeling was apparent with so many people taking the opportunity to recount their experiences of stroke services and voice their opinions on how they should be improved.

While reading the responses it became clear that five particular themes were being mentioned over and over again. These became the Stroke Survivors’ Five Demands for Action which were endorsed by a stroke survivors summit that took place in the Houses of Parliament on 23 October 2007.

The National Stroke Strategy for England was published in December 2007 but we did not want anyone to forget the passionate responses to the consultation. We have therefore produced a booklet to capture some of the comments, as well as providing information on the stroke strategy and how to campaign in your local area. Download a PDF:

1. Stroke must be treated as a medical emergency at all times.

2. All stroke patients must be taken immediately to and spend

the majority of their time in a stroke unit.

3. All stroke survivors must receive a smooth transition from

hospital to home.

4. All stroke survivors must receive all the rehabilitation and

long-term support that meets their specific needs.

5. All transient ischaemic attacks (TIAs/mini strokes) must be

treated with the same seriousness as stroke


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Dean, I am not sure what we can do to raise the standard in our countries. Here in Australia we do have Disability Pensions some free PT,OT etc for stroke survivors,subsidised medication, respite for the caregivers. We have to be happy with that, the National Debt is big enough without us making more demands.


But we do need an approach from the medical profession and all who work in stroke care that says "we are going to do our very best to make sure you get all the rehabilitation you need" that is what is lacking in our system - the intention to give people back their potential.



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That is, basically, the path of stroke care, at least here in FLorida, but I would think country wide. The problems don't really start for us until time to leave the acute-care hospital to either home or a rehabilitative hospital.


What we end up facing is the "guidelines of the insurance company." Different insurers have different services that they cover, at different rates.


Survivors/caregivers and families are, often times, thrown into an almost unsurmountable financial debt, trying to get the best possible rehabilitative care.


Our imediate care is great at saving lives. Unfortuantely, out follow-up and continued care often falls short.

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