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Timelines for Recovery?



Unlikethe majority of stroke survivors that I'vemet on some support groups; my stroke didn't leave mewith any physicalhandicaps( I can walk,talk ans move my body likeI always did, I just have to move slower and morecarefully now.

MY big issues are extreme weakness/stamina,difficulty consentrating & focusing on what is going on around me! Reading the simplest instructions confuses me and my ears ring non-strop!


I wonder i f any of you would careto share your story of recovery? Evceryone keeps telling me tha it will just take time to get backto feeling normal; how much time &how close to normal can I expect?


I feel guilty complaining about my trivial issues compare to what many of you arefacing! You're All inspiring to me and I try to whisper a prayeron each one's behalf every night God Bless, Susan


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Nothing is trivial when it's happening to you. There's no need for guilt since you're not complaining, just sharing what you are experiencing.

I don't know how many will share their stories directly here, but you can read our collection by clicking on this link: Member Stories


Keep blogging it will help.


Thank you for your prayers, we will keep you in ours too.





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It is hard when you do not have any physical handicaps to show for your disability. People do not understand when they do not see anything. Unfortunately the time line for recovery is different for everybody. That is why there is not predictable timeline. i wish that there was. i am the caregiver of William my husband, It has been two years and we are still working on walking. We have made the hurdles of swallowing and talking and balance and strength. But, it has been slow. We just have to continue to work and be patient and persistent in our work. The fatigue is the hardest part. But, we are working on stamina also.

Good luck and continue to work on recovery.



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nothing is trivial when its happening to you. I stroked at age 34 which left me paralysed on my left side, It takes solid year to see significant improvement. recovery never stops, though you will have to work through acceptance journey for rest of your life.



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Susan, welcome. We discuss all aspects of stroke here, nothing is too trivial. Each of us is dealing with problems to our specific stroke issues, but in sharing and asking, you will find a lot of suggestions that may just help you. Lenny posted a while back how he deals with getting his clothing on. Of course it was of immense help to those of us still struggling with getting our survivors more independent with dressing. But even some who do it independently mentioned that Lenny's way was easier once they tried it. So do keep on reading.


It can take the brain up to six months for the swelling to reduce. Remove background noise and interference. No TV, no music, no radio, etc. Do not try to multitask. Work on remembering one thing a day. Start in am-write out a note-remind yourself to look at the note, or remember every two hours or so and after dinner, try to remember without referencing the note. ie I will brush my teeth at six pm, I will write out my list of things to do tomorrow before bed, I will pick up milk.


Above all when the body or brain says rest, you must listen. Bruce would be exhausted after 5 minutes working on something for speech. That is OK. He at least did the five minutes and then would start again after resting.

Naps are great, use them. Bruce is now 2 years post stroke and he is very affected. He is beginning to multitask, does an hour and half workout in the pool-he initially could only do about 15 minutes.


I can not help you with the ear ringing, but I know there are threads about it, so go to the main board under Survivors and see if you can find some of them.


Work every day on some aspect of your recovery. If you are overwhelmed with one task, let it go and move onto something else. Keep a journal to mark your progress. Day to day won't change much, but I bet you will be pleasantly surprised at reading it over after month.


Luck, keep up the hard work and know you are in my prayers. Debbie

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Susan HI . A very Wise person on this site told me this. Just because your defisets do not come with a wheel cair or a walker dont mean they dont hurt just the same. I read that I then cryed like a baby. Then i started to get better. That Is why I love this site and the people in it. Just wish i could figure out how to chat lmao Welcome to the best site on the net. Ps God bless u Susan And Bless Maria as well for telling me that invisible defisets hurt just the same.

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Time lines are talked about with caretakers. For survivors really have not concept of time. When we are stroked our brains our short circuited. So, for me time is not a quantity amount of minutes.

remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:

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