Kathy Morelli


I married for the first time in September 1999 when I was 42 years old. I waited until I found my soul mate. In October 2000 I drove my car to Seattle WA from Vancouver Wa USA with four co-workers. We were to attend a conference for work. We each had our own hotel room for the week. The first day we attended some interesting sessions and lunched at the space needle overlooking the city. I remember we walked everywhere and we were all avid walkers. That evening we met for dinner at a place close to our hotel. I recall laughing a lot at dinner and on our walk back to our rooms. We parted with the plan of meeting up for breakfast in the morning. That night I called my husband and chatted a bit, then I watched TV and balanced my checkbook.


The next morning I had a wake up call from my friend Rhonda. She kept telling me I sounded funny I popped up out of bed and headed for the bathroom. I made it to about 3 feet from the door. I fell hitting my head on the metal door jam of the bathroom. With all my might I grabbed that door jam and pulled myself up again I fell again hitting my head on the sink. I had stubbed my toe on the first fall. I thought perhaps I had broken it as I kept falling. At one point I was standing by the bathroom door and could reach the safety latch and had the foresight to unlatch it. I was just getting more frustrated by the minute and I was going to be late. There was a knock at the door. It was my friends looking for me.


Through the door I told them I keep falling down. I heard one of them say you better not be joking. I was known for practical jokes. Somehow still on the floor I got the doorknob and opened it. They looked at me and gasped. Rhonda said something

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Kathy,you've had a really tough time,but you look remarkably well from your picture.I'm 5 1/2 years out from stroke,still keeping my fingers crossed I won't stroke again.You get out there and ride that modified bike,I use to walk 2 1/2 miles a day and I'm doing almost that again,not in the same time mind you but damnit,I'm doin it.Some days I feel a little bold and I'll run a little. Sounds like you have a good man,I hope you stay happy and healthy.Take care Laree

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Hi Kathy

my name is Mary Jane and I had a stroke on July 23,2003. I cannot use my left side. My husband has also stayed with me thru all this. Your husband sounds likea good man. We also like to travel. We are going to Hawaii in June. We have also been to Punta Cana. Hope to hear from you.



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