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Had to let Leo go



OK - so I have "tooled" (Mary Beth's word for the way Bruce moves himself in the WC) around the site now for 2 hours, getting my head together. Blog/Post. But this will end up longer than I think, in that I will also be getting my own head around it. So for those of you who do not have time or want to deal with another "Debbie" drama, you can just by pass.


It has been a difficult week for me. I resumed taking Bruce out every day. Extending our errands so he would get out. The test on him doing more for himself or initiating recovery fell flat on its face. He is so used to me planning out the day, reminding him of what needs to be done, what he is expected to do. My fault, I know, but just like his morning routine, which he breezes through himself, adding new responsibilities in takes time and baby steps.


There was some light on Saturday, when he was adament he "had plans" and did, in fact, step up with his ideas. This did not include swimming, which was on the game plan, but he kept himself busy, without TV for a few hours and then helped prep dinner. So I know he is starting to get his mind around all of this.


I received some bad news from my Ortho on Tuesday. My bones are not good. We are ruling out any metabolic issues-blood and urine tests-and will meet again in two weeks to discuss the findings. Then my PCP called, upset about the bone density issues, and I had to explain what was happening with the Ortho, since the report from the Ortho was not yet faxed to my PCP. Doctor is suggesting more caregiver time here to reduce the amount of physical work I have to do with Bruce, at least for a year, until the new meds increase my bone mass.


Wednesday we had an incredible day on the Estim bike. Bruce's therapist, even tho we are now in the independent program, comes over often and stops the bike to change his settings. This means Bruce as to start over from square one and it makes him crazy. Wednesday, Bruce and I went start to finish without interruption. I understand PT's viewpoint. She needs for the electrical stimulation to reach his deepest muscles. It is trial and error. How painful is the increase and can he tolerate it? If not, reset lower and start again. We are three weeks into this. The man does not exercise. Go on the lowest setting and let him fly. All exercise is good. Wednesday, he went over 3 miles and peddled for 45 minutes. All of us here would applaud that!


So in light of all this, I was forced to let Leo go today. He has been with us for three years. My concern was that he leaves Bruce alone. This has happened quite a few times. At first he would justify it by saying Bruce wanted Burgers for dinner. Of course Bruce does, what person wouldn't. But it was really about Leo and his need to get his own errands done, on my time with my vehicle. He was let go from work last Thursday. Friday when I picked him up he went to cash his paycheck before going to my house. I let that slide - he had just lost his job. But last night he left to go get cigarettes. I had left his pay at home, but Bruce said he came in and left again "to go get cigarettes." I suspected this, but Bruce confirmed it.


My main thinking was that if he has convinced himself that it is OK to leave Bruce for five minutes, what is to say that in 3 months it will be OK to leave him for more time. I am so angry I could scream. And yet, I reflect on what Sue advised this week about Bruce's reaction to what I feel are peripheral issues. Bruce says he is OK with all of this, but at this hour he is still awake, agitated. At least Sue gave me the heads up so I know what is going on.


I, of course, have back up plans. Cathy may want another night and the night hours are good for a lot of people. This does not help with adding someone for the days-pool etc. But I wasn't being aggressive about that. Now with the Ortho results, have to.


My work is fine with this. Whatever I need and it will not take long to straighten out. For that I am so thankful. Leo has called and left messages, but I am too angry to respond, so have ignored them.


I obviously have tomorrow off - no caregiver. Earlier in the week I suggested that Leo get the early bus, pick Bruce up, get his final paycheck, get his errands done in our vehicle and then I would be home for lunch. I was trying to be supportive. He is important to Bruce but guess it did not go both ways. Debbie


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Lord knows you didn't need this added stress but as stroke has taught us, we don't always get what we think we need. I'm sorry for what you and Bruce are going through. but hopefully this will soon be the silver lining in a cloud that has been hanging over you for a while.


Hang in there--we're all right with you.



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I hated changing carers and when Jeff went off our program life was never as good again as he was a gem, but I must admit some of them were less competant than others. Some of them did bring some fun into our lives with their sense of humour and others became friends because of their willingness to share with us some of their life stories.


You still have Cathy but will now have to find a second person that will fit into your routine. I will trust your ability to find that person that will restore balance to your lives, as a person wo has worked with people for so long I know you can do it.


Give some thought to the fun element of your lives, life should have it's happy highs for us all to look back on with a smile.



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Debbie, so sorry you had to lose a caregiver but you have to have one you can trust. Leo seems to go against the rules too much. It seems strange, given his age, because he will have a hard time finding another job. You have good resources there for good help. Just keep sending out "feelers" at work.


Enjoy your days off and you probably have cooler weather too.



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Debbie, sometimes you just got to do what you feel is right when it comes to Bruce being safe and secure!

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What I do know, in my heart, is that if the roles were reversed and Bruce feared for my safety this would have ended months earlier. Thank you all for your support and input. Leo was important to Bruce, but I made great allowances for him because of that.


This was a perfect time for him to realize that he would be working additional time for us - due to the bus schedule - $200.00 a week cash plus the chance to earn more. Spell me off for appointments, hairdresser, if he needed the extra income when his unemployment kicks in. Not five days later he is still in "Leo" mode. And at 61 he is not going to change. Debbie

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I think I mentioned in one of my posts that I had to hire caregivers for my mother, a stroke survivor. For the first time in my life, I was "the boss" and, then I found out that if you are "the boss", you also have responsibility for firing if someone is not doing her job. I can honestly say that I tried everything to avoid it. But, the bottom line was that ifthey weren't doing their job, and I did not feel safe leaving my Mother with them,then they had to go, regardless of what my mother thought. It was my responsibility. Sometimes, you just do what you have to do. Becky

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You did what had to be done. Yes, if Bruce's safety is an issue then you had to act.


Change is the name of the game for us.


Lots of change. I cannot believe it. 45 min. That is great. Tell Bruce that is he doing so much.



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I don't think I would have been patient with Leo as long as you have but I know your motivation for keeping him on was because you believed it was a good bond with Bruce. You gave him every opportunity to step up and do his job. Seriously, I can't believe he had the nerve to leave Bruce alone and go run any kind of errand. I can certainly understand your anger. I'm sorry to hear about your own health issues and the need to be more attentive to that. We want to think we are invincible and will always be able to care for our loved ones. Best wishes on finding the perfect set of helpers to meet both your needs.

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Debbie, I applaud your strength in letting Leo go. Bruce's saftey and your peace of mind have top priority and Leo just was not fitting the bill. The good news about having test come back with bad news is that you can now take steps to "fix" things. Please do take care of yourself so that the damage can be reversed and your back is strengthened. You may have to remind me to do this later but do put yourself first sometimes. It is far too easy for us to pour every ounce into our loved ones and neglect ourselves. Sounds like Bruce has earned some gold stars! My daughter brought a gold star balloon home the other day and I think Bruce could us one tied to his WC!


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