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The Silver Lining?



Well, Monday did in fact come - lol - and the new routine was set in motion. Bruce had another good session on the Estim bike. 35 minutes and 3 miles. Already into week four, you can see how he has increased his speed. He has to help the strong left leg at least 50% with the right and maintained that.


I will say that he has certainly enjoyed my total attention for four days. I think that may have made the transition a bit easier for him and again I thank Sue for the early heads up.


Today was Botox day. Eight shots. What was amazing was seeing him reposition himself on that small medical table. He can not get on his stomach, which is where the Doc really wants him, but was able to shift and reposition himself. I held my breath, but did not offer to help. It is truely wonderful when the main caregiver notices how our person can handle themselves. He will get another OT evaluation in two weeks - OT requested this - for his arm-hand. Since PT just dc'd him, he will not qualify for that again until the fall.


He is totalled tonight. Poor thing, very painful and tiring, all that moving. I went easy on him because I know how painful those injections are and he was asleep when I got in, even with a new caregiver on board. Just medicated him for the night. Cathy coming for the morning tomorrow so I can get the Honda to Emissions.


Pema called at dinnertime. Bruce did not want his dinner, only a salad (my heart sings - lol). I said whatever he wants. He gained 6 pounds at the weigh in. Not good. I did not discuss it with him, but he certainly can work the numbers himself.


I think he likes Pema. She is tiny, energetic. Language is an issue, but I am thinking this may be good for Bruce. He has such a command of English and she has none. How they learn to communicate with each other will be interesting. In the long run, I think she will benefit from this union more than Bruce. We shall see what Bruce's take on this is in the morning.


Bruce's Cathy will be here tomorrow morning. As part of his couponing, he had a coupon for free frozen waffles this week. I told him, no way! But he said "the baby". After some further questioning, he wanted them for Cathy's son and was so proud to give them to her. Gotta luv him! He likes this change in time as he knows I will be home by 2pm, shower and a cook out.


So the upside for Debbie in all this! Pema said Monday, please leave me a list for down time. I know we are an easy job. Kira at 4 pm - she knows the "newbie" will feed her - lol. Dinner for Bruce at 5pm. He does his teeth, flossing. Toilet Bruce and bed by 6:30 pm. I did not add to the list on Monday as it was her first day. Just finding everything in the house and adjusting to Bruce's schedule was enough, I thought. Tonight, both bathrooms cleaned, sweeping of the downstairs, garbage containers taken care of and she admonished me in that Bruce and I did the laundry! And tomorrow I have Cathy, who pretty much knows what to do, but what to leave her? Is it really this great?


We do have Ermalinda starting on Friday morning. I will go to work. Erma is signed off for the pool as well. Next week, I have a Doctor appointment, but week after that I will go to the pool with them to see how things are going. Friday night, when Cathy comes, I am going to dinner with my best friend and long overdue. She suffered a small brain bleed last September, is still recovering from that but is also one of Bruce's trustees and his Medical Advocate, so a working dinner as well.


Will let you all know. And please prayers that this is really the silver lining Jamie predicted. Debbie


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Definitely, you're in my prayers. This entry makes me very happy and is long over-due.



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wow i want some help like that!!!! my house is a disorganised mess... and my bathrooms could use real cleaning... lucky duck..... around her there are so many jobs no one really wants to work and dan hates anyone in his house... and we run so much with therapies its crazy... good for you ----- nancyl

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It sounds like Bruce is making the transition with caregivers very well. Also, that long on the E-Stim machine is great. Go Bruce!


Larry gets more Botox next week but not in the hand or lower arm this time. The OT wants him to do the Saeboflex again and that worked against him last time. Yes, those tables are hard for Larry to lay down on. He went down too fast last time and he thought he was going to fall off. He sees his internist next week also. He won't appreciate Larry refusing to use the CPap mask.


Have a good weekend.



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