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Wonderful weather



This is one of those perfect nights that we New Englanders stay in New England for. We have had a low sitting offshore for about a week-slow mover. Mornings have been cloudy and an afternoon shower. But weather is coming in from the Northwest which is so rare for us. System is moving out, so today woke up to sun, heat - no humidity. Clouds moved in about supper time and now all the windows are open; nice, cool breeze. Bruce crashed early. But since it was just us, nice clean up - night clothes.


I leave the deck door open onto our bedroom until medication time, so it is nice and cool in there, which Bruce loves. The birds and animals are confused with this. The crows are amazing this year. We have six huge ones and their calls are just so diverse. We have chipmunks, rabbits, even a doe who drinks out of the birdbath - lol. Two Goldfinches who have decided that the AC just where Bruce sits is their new hangout.


I think Bruce understands on some level that I am trying to make the caregiver transition easier for him, so he has been going out on the deck and in the driveway for short periods. I was able to work in the backyard yesterday while he sat on the deck reading. But he was also aware of the wildlife. I could see him looking and listening. I just hope he can reconnect with himself there. He loves my stories of what is happening outside, occasionally asks to see. So he is in there.


I think the week went well. Since we have not had to do this can only go by Bruce's reaction. He seems happy enough, talks about his time with the girls, is appreciative of the work they do here in the house for me. I mapped out our week for us so he can see that we are getting out most of the week-our normal routine.


We cooked all weekend to have meals put up, visited the Farm Market and purchased some local fresh produce. Tomorrow back on the treadmill-the bike, errands. I have to schedule his OT for his arm-hand.


Pre-stroke, being a Sunday night and having to start the work week; we would have both been out on the deck, enjoying a drink, discussing what was on tap for the week and then to bed. I do so miss that, especially with such a perfect night. So I am going to shut the house up, gather up Miss Kira and head to bed. Monday is an early day and we begin week two with new caregivers. Just hope Bruce's adjustment continues. Good week all. Debbie


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Yes, I had those things I really missed from pre-stroke, like feeling Ray's arms around me and dancing - oh how I missed dancing! You don't find something to replace them, you just learn to live without them.


One thing I picked up here - you said "the girls", without Leo you have all girl helpers. Will this create an imbalance and have you some "guy time" replacement ideas if it does?



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I chose Caregivers based on my trust of them and their professionalism. Cathy has stepped up and is taking him out in her own vehicle and I know Ermalinda will do the same.


I discussed all of this with Bruce's college roommates and his best friend. I also spoke with the wife of the friend who is closest, geographically to us. So hopefully I have all the bases covered when the "help" call goes out.


But I can't really push too much as my own brothers and brother-in-law don't step up. And I have one male CNA back up if needed. Best I can do.

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I think that you are doing well. I hope that the new caregivers work out well for you and Bruce.


It sounds good so far.


The yard and the wildlife sound like alot of fun.


Enjoy...before it gets hot.



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