Stu's Blog

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I'm Back



Well I'm back, I sure many of you new survivors don't reconize me but many of the older members will.

Maria asked me to start stopping by for the Wednesday Reunion night chats. I popped in Monday and last night into chat and I only reconized one person, how things change but then stroke never stops so it shouldn't be a great surprise to me.


So if you're a newbie here reading my blog, you can believe me that things will get better, Don't you ever believe the doctor when he says you can't do something, he's wrong and I'm living proof. The doctor told Kath that I'd never walk again, he was wrong, he said I'd never be able to drive again, he was wrong.

So if you're reading this 'Don't you dare give up", you owe it to yourself to keep going. No one will do what has to be done except you, if you give up then there's no one you can blame but yourself.


Now just alittle about me:


I'm a survivor, I stroked on June 22, 2006 at work.

I've been a member here since 2007

I live in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada



Hope to talk to many of you in the coming months, take care all ..




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Hey Stu,


I saw you name this morning and found you to be posting in the blogs so I knew I would come back and read it today. How are you these days?? Hope all is well and your recovering life has been great, mine has for sure since we talked last time about baby eagles I think.


Welcome back, we got lots and lots of new people on board well over 10,000 strong or more and still growing! I worked at Wal mart for three years until 2009 and I had to stop. Since then I just been hanging in or out at home with a new pet. We got our grand daughter a little Shih Tzu puppy she loves dearly but I'm the keeper now that she is 19 months old already and my grand daughter is about 9 years next month.


Anyway, I'll be checking in on you so take care and God bless you!

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Thanks for the welcome back. I replied to the I'm Larry post of yours so I'm sure you'll see it.


Take care and we'll talk in chat.


Chow my friend.

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Welcome Back so glad that you are back with us. You were one of the first survivors that I got lots of wisdon from. I was bouncing off the walls and really need the insight of a man/survivor and there you were. I was wife of stroker back in the day.

So glad your back


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