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can this week be over yet .... PLEASE?!?!?



On the bright side my Dr sent a note to HR stating that I can work no more than 8 hours a day and 40 hours a week - we'll see how well that goes over. Now for the bad news - I managed to slip and fall on a patch of ice last night and of course I landed on my affected side. I went to the Dr today just to make sure I hadn't damaged anything and she seems to think I just banged myself up but sent me for xrays of my wrist and ribs just to make sure nothing is broken. Gotta love winter in Michigan!!! At least I'm not alone in my pain since my son also slipped and fell this morning walking to the bus (he managed not to damage anything though).


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just got to not fall, but when you're going down that doesn't help much. I fell (hard) about 2 1/2 weeks ago and didn't fracture anything but the pain is lingering a little too long in my mind(lol).  can't do much about it. I think that time will heal.


best wishes on your recovery,


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I m so glad you did not break anything & just banged up yourself hope you heal soon & just hold on today & this week will be over



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Yes, just hold on, count the days, mark them off the calendar, make a treat for each day to make it special.  Do whatever it takes to keep that joy in living.  I think a lot of people find their job boring or demanding but somehow manage to stick with it. I speak as one happily retired of course so just my memories of work life.

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Well the week ended on a good note - we went out for drinks to celebrate a coworkers retirement. We shall see what next week holds after HR reviews the note my Dr refaxed after they complained that the first one didn't have an end date on it - I told my Dr to put July since that's when my next appointment is. Six months of no overtime might just push them over the edge ;0)

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