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I feel great. I met one of my neighbors who lives near my dad's house. She is a stroke survivor and she wants me to come over and workout with her sometimes! She wears her brace all the time on her hand and sometimes she sleeps in it. I wanted to do that for so long but I just always take it off because its uncomfortable plus its so cold at night and my wrist is so bent I just go ahead and take it off.


I found out that now that I have medicare, I can get a new tens unit and get new electrodes every month for free. I am looking forward to that. I have not used my tens unit in so long because the electrodes were not sticky anymore, plus I was scared that the electrical stimulation would make me have a seizure. But my neurologist assured me that it will not induce a seizure and maybe a new unit will get me motivated! I really want to play my guitar and I know it takes time to learn but I want to feel accomplished and happy when I play, not defeated and frustrated. Even more motivation to work on my hand!


Not only am I teaching a senior citizen to read and prepare for his GED (which I love!) He always brags about how much "he loves his teacher" and he really appreciates me, BUT WAIT IT GETS BETTER. I had an interview yesterday so I may get my opportunity to work in the library again!


Some other things have happened like my doctor didnt give me clearance to drive but luckily my dad had already made a copy of the paperwork so we took it to my neurologist who knows about ALL my issues and just put me on a new seizure med last month but Im not worried about it. I have my visual field test tomorrow but Im not worried about that either the same way I didnt worry about my road test. I love this peace I have

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Katrina what a great blog.  I just wrote a blog on another site entitled "Helping others helps me" and I think that is so true.  So glad you are volunteering as it keeps your brain active.  Getting back to the library sounds good too.  But this time they will know what you can and cannot do so hopefully you will settle in better when you get the job. Don't worry about the future it tends to take care of itself.  I'm so glad your Dad has the handle on the paperwork and is right there to help you.  Keep smiling.

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