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Whewh am I tired.



My daughter, Tracy and family moved 4 hrs away after school was out in June. Tracy's Dr is still here. She had an appointmentlast week and she was also have stomach pains. He sent her for an Ultrasound and they found gall stones. She had an appoiintment Thursday for a HIDA scan. They found the gall bladder was not working. We saw the surgeon Friday and surgery was scheduled for 6 am today.


She has stayed since last Wednesday night, incase she got another bad attack, we could take her to the hospital. I have been cooking for her and we were careful what she ate. So we made it thru to the scheduled surgery time.


Her ..fiance ( I already call him son in law) drove over last night so he could be with her for surgery, and drive her home.


All went well,, the nasty gall bladder and offending stones are all gone. We got back home around 11:30 am, I got her settled in and she napped for awhile. She was feeling pretty good, and the surgeon said she could go home if she felt up to the ride. So they left around 3 pm today. She was doing well, walking around, had some crackers and gingerale. She has medication for nausea and pain.


I made chicken soup with white and wild rice, from the left over chicken from last nights dinner.


I am really Happy everything went so well. And a HUGE THANK YOU to all who kept her in their thoughts and sent up prayers.


I AM SOOOO tired.... I think the nights I was not sleeping soundly, incase she woke up with a bad gall bladder attack, As when mine hit it was around 3 am...


We had some great time together this week and even had a couple little outings.. some Christmas shopping and time just sitting and watching TV or working on some crafts. I know my grandson will be glad to have his mom back home, and her dogs too.


Tracy will be back in 3 weeks for her check up. And I will spend a few days.. resting.













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hey Bonnie:


glad everything went smoothly, my niece got her gallbladder removed while she was pregnant. any surgery is stressful, but after gallbladde it's just lifestyle change for little while. she is lucky to have parents like you and fiance who cares so much about, one lucky girl. when one is sick we realize how much having family close by means. glad she can depend on you. now you can chill for a week.




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So glad to hear the surgery went well for Tracy. With time this will be a distant memory - part of the little bumps that are encountered along life's path. She's lucky to have you and John there for her and her great fiance.


Now you can get a chance to recoup yourself, although you will still be worried about her. I'm sure she will follow doctor's orders.

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I am so glad everything went well. Now you can rest and store up your energy. I had no idea Christmas was so close. I suppose I should at least get the Christmas Cards. We usually don't start shopping until after Thanksgiving. I used to wait to go shopping on Christmas Eve Day. That was fun. But not now. Take Care. LK
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i am so glad to hear that your daughter tracy came through her surgery with flying colors! now it is time for you to take a break. enjoy a good night's sleep and try to pace yourself for a few days. cheers! kathy

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Sorry Bonnie but I have been in a different world. I was going to ask in chat this afternoon who Tracy was. I didn't have a clue. The brain really gets strange when we are focused on something else like being so tired we don't know an "a" from an "o".


So now I know and I'm real glad that Tracy's surgery is all over. Even though surgery for a gall bladder is different today from what it was, surgery is still a bad word. The good thing is that she no longer has to worry about her gall bladder since we only were given one.


As for your being tired, it certainly is understandable. The worry alone can do it plus just the getting and doing. I'm sure the next vacation in 3 weeks will be more pleasant. Rest up for it.



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