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Positive progress



I have just returned to Orlando from a house hunting trip in my new town. It really is such a cute, quaint, welcoming town. I grew up in a small town without much anonymity. I moved to moderate towns in PA (Harrisburg & Wilkes-Barre/Scranton) and NY (Binghamton) as well as large towns (San Jose, CA & Orlando, FL) and learned to enjoy the anonymity that is provided there. Now I need to learn how to act in a small town again (making sure to look around to see if I recognize anyone, driving with courtesy, etc.).


We were only in town for 2 full days and found an apartment and purchased all necessary furniture. It became very overwhelming at times because the reality really hit me. My apartment will be on the second floor so I should be getting good with stairs shortly, I hope.


On the flight back to Orlando, I accidentally left my purse on the plane. I didn't realize this until we had already arrived at our vehicle. Bob dropped me off at the departure area to contact someone about my error. I had to rush quickly to the ticket counter to talk to someone. The good news was that my purse was found. The bad news was that I had to rush to gate 97 to get it. This meant going through security again and getting onto the tram and to the gate to ask for 'Alexis'.


Bummer, you think, right?


Actually, this was a blessing in disguise. To catch the tram going to the gate, I had to get up to a slow jog to get on in time. I DID IT! I haven't been able to run since the big, bad stroke. Actually, I *could* jog, but it was painful and a level beyond awkward. Maybe, because I wasn't over-thinking, it wasn't too bad, slightly awkward and a little uncomfortable, but do-able!


Okay, so I won't be able to run from someone. But, I can lightly jog to avoid getting drenched in the rain or catch up to something/someone. This is huge for me. It is a baby step, but a step nonetheless.


As I came back and caught up with my husband, I was giddy with excitement. Like my dad, he knows how to beat the happiness and excitement out of me without the intention to do so. In his happiness, he played on it to the point that it was no longer a positive progress for me. He means well and I appreciate his feelings and intent. I told him that he can no longer talk about it or else I will deny the entire experience! :giggle:


Recommended Comments

You had a very busy and fruitful couple of days. Congratulations on all your accomplishments - including apt. and furniture obtaining and being able to "jog" to retrieve your purse. You've come a l-o-n-g way and your still on the move.

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That is so fantastic! Glad you got so much done and got your purse! And the jogging no matter how slight it was...ABSOLUTELY GROOVY!

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Its great you got your pocketbook back. It brought up memories for me about my Mom. She had a penchant for leaving her pocketbook at church. It happened so many times, it was a joke. She said she couldn't think of a safer place to forget her pocketbook.
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it's such a huge postive progress for you, never mind Bob for not being included in your achievement, man I find hope in your blog and can see me in future trying to run too.so happy for you :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands:




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