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Two years, and life is good.



Today is my two year recognition of my stroke.


Life is so much better at 2 years out than 1 year.


I am coming around to acceptance. I don't know if I will ever totally get there but I am coming around.


This whole experience has really been a trial in so many areas of my life. Work-wise, it has really made me question myself and lose confidence in my intelligence and abilities. Of course this has positives (made me work harder to get my Ph.D.)and negatives (losing confidence has had the most detrimental effect on my work life). Marriage-wise, the stroke made me more dependent on my husband. Again, positives (I was *too* independent BS [before stroke] and needed to need Bob again) and negatives (the fine line between a healthy amount of dependence and an unhealthy amount) but I think I am getting it figured out.


I recently got some great news - I got a job! In my field! Although the interviewing was rough, I think it will be a really good job for me.


I will be moving to Illinois (from Florida) so that should be an interesting shock to my system. It will be good though. I am moving to a small town that is very cute, quaint, and welcoming. Bob, my husband, will not be moving with me.


That sounds ominous, doesn't it?


We discussed this long and in-depth and decided that while this is a great career move for me, he has invested a lot of himself in the company he works for here in Orlando and isn't ready to leave yet. We have a plan - in 6-9 months, we will re-evaluate the situation to determine if it is working for us. If we both are attached to our work, we will take it from there. If one of us is ready to (a) move back (me) or (b) move forward (him), then we move back/forward. We lived in separate states for the first five years of our marriage so we have experience and are very good at the long distance relationship stuff. We have a ton of trust in each other and are really good at communication.


I'm excited, nervous, and really looking forward to this next phase. I will actually be winning a lot of bread for our family :bouncing_off_wall: and can't wait to be useful and a contributing member of our relationship. YAY!! :cloud9: .


In summary, I like the two year 'stroke-aversary' better than the one year!


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hey sherry:


congratulations on your two year anniversary, you have come really far in your journey, getting new job post stroke now that is something to be proud of. we are all proud of you. living independently will be big boost too, I have never done it and I am even scared to even think about it.




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Wow! that is so awesome you got a job and moving forward. And it is very admirable that you and your husband can work with each other, access your situation and go from there..Wow! pretty impressive. I wish you so many good things for you and hope I feel just like you when my 2 yr anniversary comes up in January. Pretty Inspiring!

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That is so cool for you and I sincerely wish you the best. You have come sooooooooooooooooo far - another reason to never give up. YOU GO GIRL!!!! :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands:

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