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showing off my bottom

lady k


well did the deed and all OK, had the colonoscopy today, started throwing up after got up and on the way home, O joy, had some polyps but doctor thought they were OK, they are still sending to pathologist, i was told i wouldn't be able to get them back i was agreeable i didn't really have a scrap book for body parts, will have to stay off aspirin and plavix another week,apparently they fill you up with air so all day i have been gassy, at least it doesn't stink, i was home by about 100 pm, then slept all afternoon, then got a call from my aunt, and found out my uncle had died, it was a blessing, he was 95 and a retired doctor, had prostate cancer and Alzheimer's, he was in a hospice and they were increasing his med's for pain, he is now free of pain and free of the mental confusion, he could never accept my mother's death 3 years ago and kept wanting her to come visit him, I am so happy we have so many people joining us, and so many who have been able to be helped earlier and therefore have so many less deficits. today was my Mom's birthday so was a sad day anyway, she was killed about 3 1/2 years ago in automobile accident, on July 4th weekend, she was 83, but was in really good health and had all her wit's, so it was very unexpected but i was glad she died instantly and didn't have to suffer or endure being maimed or anything, her best friend was with her and suffered severe brain damage and can't see well and can no longer drive, her balance is gone, is pretty well confined at home unless someone comes and gets her. she can't see well enough to join or use a computer, wish she could, that's all folks. :dribble: :hug:


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G'day kakii, sounds like an all clear from you colonoscopy. So that is one peice of good news for now.


Sad to hear about your uncle, like my Mum his Alzheimers had probably isolated him a lot but he, as a person, family member and friend will still be missed. Sorry to hear about the way you lost your mother, it must have been a shock to you all.


Time to give yourself some TLC, rug up well and relax, take some time for yourself and let your mind roam free for a while.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.



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Hi there Kakii,


Glad to hear your terst turned out ok for you - hope the results are as expected. My sympathies to you and your family with the passing of your Uncle - you have I'm sure fond memories to hold near your heart so he will never totally be "gone". He is at peace now and is I'm sure too with your Mom.


Be sure to perform extra "TLC" for yourself the next few days or so - any procedure for us tends to take so much more out of us than it would have pre.

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Isn't this just the nicest happy forum with the new color.. sort of gives one a lift.. sorry to hear of your uncle's passing, but as you say he now is at peace.. my Mom is also dying and is not really able to communicate very well, as she is too weak to speak..I guess it is a matter of time before she will not be able to function either.. she was able to talk to me today for a bit on the phone and the nurse said she took a bit of soup, other than that she is only getting ice chips to suck on.. would love to go down but the roads are not very good so just have to wait till they improve.. happy valentines everyone.. hubby said he is taking care of supper tommorow.. a surprize???

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hi kakii, great news on the colonoscopy, sorry to hear about your uncle and you mothers untimely demise. it is never easy to lose a loved one. after your day today you deserve a good nap, a drink and to snuggle up with your cat and just relax. take care and be well.

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